Chapter 9

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I woke up feeling cozely warm, it felt so nice I almost dozed right off back to sleep

'Want... to sleep more... I'll just... sleep a few more... minutes...'  but not even two seconds later my peace was greatly disturbed

"Sophie we've got a new quest! Seems easy and it pays nicely too!"

"Oh? What's the quest?"

"It's to fell some monsters near the alterion forest, don't have much info on the monsters besides there being an absurd amount but I'm sure we can handle it"

"I'll get everything prepared then!"

'...*Sigh* Well there goes any chance at sleeping more. Hmm, where am I? So cozy here but that's weird. Agh no! There's a much bigger issue right now! I'm hearing red alerts! Red Flags! I've learnt enough to know that that's a trap quest!! Looks easy, high pay, not much info on target, this is just a trap through and through! These two numb skulls are gonna die!! And I need them! Grrr, time to prevent disaster!'

I quickly lifted my head up and looked in the direction the voices came from and noticed I was still laying on the bed, and wrapped in a thick fuzzy blanket. The voices seemed to have come from outside the room. I crawled out from the cozy blanket and walked to the edge of the bed

'Let's go find her and talk her out of going on this suicide mission!'

I hopped off the bed and ran over to the doorway and into the hallway

'Now where are you human? Never thought I'd go looking for a human, especially my captors, but then again, I need her so I can learn magic and in return I get to be released. Pretty good deal if I say so myself'

"Hey sylas, do we have any support potions in the storage room while you're there?"

"Uhh, no idea, I'll check"

I walked down the hallway and came up to a doorway where sophia's scent goes to, and I peaked inside, it looked to be some type of lounge area? Inside was sophia gathering equipment and putting it on the table in the middle of the room

"Damnit, not enough arrows, I need to buy more. *Sigh* I really need to learn how to make them" she said, saying the last part softly

'Aha! Found you!'

I started walking to her, but as I was doing so I realised something

'Wait, I didn't think this through did I? How am I supposed to covertly convince her to not do this? Ah to hell with it, I'll just improvise'

I walked up beside her as she sat down on the ground

"Haah, I have way to little arrows, my katana's lost its magic too... so problematic- Hm? Foxy? What are you doing here?"

'Well I.... right, I keep forgetting, she won't be able to hear me'

"I can hear you just fine foxy"

'Heh? What? But- but you didn't use the thing!'

"I did, I activated it when I saw you next to me"

'I must be going blind, that's not good'

"Well foxy, did you come to see me?" she exclaimed excitedly and teasingly

'What!? No! I gave up my only chance at getting more precious sleep and came here because I heard something really really stupid!'

"Hm? And what's that?"

'I heard you were going to go on a little monster hunt and-'

"You want to go with!!??" she exclaimed so excitedly that I swear her eyes were sparkling stars

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