Chapter 8

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I woke up half asleep, feeling strangely warm and comfortable, as if I was laying on something soft and cushiony

'So... sleepy... don't wanna... wake up... huh...? Wasn't I just... with humans...? Humans!!'

At that realization I was wide awake. I started to listen for a moment, trying to hear anything out of place, but was only met with silence and the sound of a small flame crackling

'Strange, there's no sounds. Why are there no sounds? Wait no! I can hear a flame! It's... somewhere to my far right? Forward right? Top right? Blegh whatever. There's no sounds, but what about smell? Can I smell anything? No, everything just smells like... wood? And- hey why do I smell roses? Ah forget it, the rose smell doesn't matter either! Wait why am I being so cautious? It's a

bit too late for that!'

I opened my eyes and started looking around, and noticed there was a lamp that was lit on the wall across from me, next to what looked like a door, looking down I saw that I was laying on a fluffy blanket

'Huh? Where am I? Okay, there's wood walls, I'm laying on a soft blanket like thing- hey why is it purple? And! There's a candle- no not a candle but a lamp! That's lit! And it's that candle that's giving off the rose scent! LAMP! Not candle! Gah, I correct myself and then do the same thing again right after! Anyway, how? How does it give off that scent? No! That's not important! What's important is that THIS IS A HUMAN BUILDING!! Blanket, wood walls and a candle lamp, that's human! Actually, it could be a demi-human building if those exist in this world, but that couldn't be it right? I was taken by two humans wasn't I? Maybe I was sold? No, shut up, that's stupid, stop saying stupid things! You moron!'

Looking around some more, I noticed that I was laying on top of a small table of sorts that was covered with the purple blanket. The room wasn't big, it could have been a small office if it wasn't so empty besides this table

'Okay, I really need to get out of here. But there's no windows! There's only this door! Hmm, maybe I could jump up and grab the knob in a way that will turn it? No that's impossible, I'd not only need to get the right angle and grip but I'd also need to make the door move in the direction it opens. Not to mention what would happen if someone found out I could do that... if the fact that I'm intelligent is discovered it'll cause so many problems! Problems I'd rather NOT deal with!'

Suddenly the door started opening so I quickly closed my eyes and pretended to still be asleep, while making sure I was being as still as possible

"You're still asleep? *Sigh* It's been a whole day since then... why haven't you woken up yet? Did I use the wrong spell? Was it too strong?" a familiar female voice said, closing the door behind them as they spoke, from what I could hear anyway

'Wait a minute, that's the girl who pet me! That's her voice! No wonder I fell asleep like that! It was magic! You insufferable fiend! Heh? Why do I hear her walking closer to me? Go away!'

The girl came over and it sounded like she sat down to the right of me on the table, and began petting me

'That's it! It's time for a QTE-A! A quick time event action! Feign bite!!!'

I quickly grabbed the arm that was petting me, it seemed like the right arm? Anyway I made it clear that I'd bite down if she tried anything, and stared at her as threateningly as I could. Thinking about it, I probably should've growled too, that would have been extra convincing!

"Huh!? What the-!? Wait it's okay! It's okay! I don't want to hurt you!"

'But I do, nyehehe!'

"Please let go, do you perhaps want food?"

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