•Chapter 22

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You were just doing your job. William would check time to time to see if you were comfortable or doing good.
He was pretty chill, and kind too.
So, you were fine with that. You were actually quite happy about it.

After Y/N's shift, it was only like 5 hours, but it felt like 5 long days.

Before they left, they bought a few things for Bob, cause I mean, why not?

Like some clothes, because all he wears are those black pants, red sweater, red t-shirt, and that black hoodie he wore when he and Y/N first met.

After buying the new clothes, they figured they could buy Bob some candy?

They suddenly remembered that they got tied up in their own house and the bucket of candy randomly disappeared.

Y/N chuckled at that thought.

Before, Bob threatens Y/N with a knife, and even ties them up.
But now, they cuddle and give eachother kisses...
How irony.

They walked to Candy Club which was not that far away, so it wasn't a hassle.

When they arrived, Kevin was behind the counter and on his phone.

Y/N walked to the counter and knocked it.

Kevin immediately looked back at up to Y/N, who was waving with a small yet sweet smile.

" Oh hey Y/N. What cha' gonna get today? "

Y/N looked around the colourful and sweet-smelling candy shop and sprinted to a place where colourful and assorted candy sits.
Y/N's eyes scanned through the colourful candy, they even looked like a kid looking at brand new toys from a window.

Y/N grabbed a bag and placed many variants of sweet, sour candy.

After putting random candies that Bob would like, they brought it to the counter then Kevin weighed it.

" That would be $8.35 please. "

Y/N quickly nodded once and went to their f/c bag and grabbed a ten dollar bill and gave it to Kevin as he handed the candy bag to Y/N.
Kevin was about to give Y/N change until Y/N shook their head and spoke,

" Just like last time. "

Y/N chuckled as Kevin just blinked as he kept the ten dollar bill.

" Thanks. "

Kevin thanked Y/N with a sweet smile. Y/N then started to walk away while waving,

" Bye Kev! See ya in the weekends! "

Kevin happily waved back as Y/N started to walk away from the shop.

Y/N was just whistling their favorite song on the way home when they saw three teens from far away.
Y/N squinted their eyes trying to see who they were.
It was the Hatzgang. That's what they call themselves.

Roy, Ross and Robert seemed like they were angry, or just upset.

" Agh! Dammit! "

Robert angrily stomped his foot whilst crossing his arms.
Roy opened his wallet and angrily yelled,

" Ugh! We only need a fricking dollar left! "

Unusual Love~ (Bob Velseb x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now