Rp Scenerios [Ki]

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Trainer scenerios

Scenerio 1

You walk in a random route, you are just doing your buisness until you heard some noise in the distant, when you arrive you saw a human trying to catch the riolu with a orange handkerchief. what are you ganna do?

Scenerio 2

You heard about some kind of a pokemon scarring the other humans even trainers out of the forest and some of them are injured too, however you decided to see what it was, it's been a while and still the pokemon haven't show up when you keep walking you suddenly fell in a pit trap. What are you ganna do?

Scenerio 3
Make it up

Pokemon scenerios

Scenerio 1

You just walk around to find some berries to eat until you heard something, you take a look and saw a riolu wearing a orange handkerchief sitting with his eyes closed he have a troubled expression. What are you ganna do?

Scenerio 2

You are running for your life since trainers are trying to catch you, until a blue sphere flew pass you hitting the trainers behind you, just when you look you saw a riolu that is slightly taller wearing a orange handkerchief, his glarring at the trainers trying to protect you. What are you ganna do?

Scenerio 3
Make it up

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