A Very Normal Day. Promise Me, There Is NO Silliness I Can't Contain Here.

Start from the beginning

"Well I can show you where the next meeting is, BUT there is a cost." Sana (WHO) told the states.

"What's the cost ma'am?" Lenora (California) asked in a bit of fear.

"Do you want to feed my snake?" Sana (WHO) asked the 6 states.

"Sure." Isla (Utah) said. The cession states went to the place we're Sana (WHO) was in and fed the snake. Then Sana (WHO) led the kids in the meeting room and explained to them where Kathryn (America) was and what she is doing.

"What is mom doing?" Azul (Arizona) asked the others. All of the other state shook their heads.

"They are talking about stuff they need to do for their countries and other boring stuff like that. Do you want me to call your mother?" Sana (WHO) asked the Cession States.

"Ok, but here is the thing. I want to know who our other mother is. Can you help us?" Alejandro (Texas) explained to Sana (WHO). Sana (WHO) looked at them.

"I can find out quickly, but I need some blood."

"Ooo! Do mine!" Elena (Nevada) shouted in joy. Sana grabbed a small box, grabbed a small needle with a tiny thing to catch blood (Ya know when you get your finger poked to get get blood tests from there.) and did that thing. Then she took the blood into a machine and started to research about their blood and who their parents might be.

"Oh this is very interesting. I'll have to call Pax (UN) for this." She said as she reached for the phone and called Pax (UN).

In the meeting

Pax (UN) was explaining to the countries about world peace, climate change, why they all need to stop acting like toddlers, that Vermont does not exist and that they all need to cooperate on things that may happen but the author was lazy to write about.

"So what I am about to tell you is-." Pax (UN) was saying before getting cut off by a phone call. They quickly got off the stage and went backdoor. Pax (UN) knew who this was.

"The hell you want Sana (WHO)? I'm busy giving a lesson." Pax UN whispered angrily to their twin sister.

"I need you to call Kathryn (America) and Rosalina (Mexico) to my office NOW!" Sana (WHO) said to Pax (UN) as she hung up.

"Well I can't wait to see everyone's reaction to this." Pax (UN) told themselves as they went back to the stage.

"Kathryn Howard Barrow (United States of America Washington District of Columbia), Rosalina Papaqui Huerta (United Mexican States Mexico City). Go to Sana's (WHO) office now." Pax (UN) said in a stern voice.

"The hell did you two do this time?" Elliotte (Canada) asked both Kathryn (America) and Rosalina (Mexico). Kathryn (America) turned her head to Elliotte (Canada).

"Ask and you'll end up like Thomas (Confederate)." Kathryn told Elliotte (Canada) in the most scariest, YET professional way. As both Kathryn (America) and Rosalina (Mexico) went to Sana's (WHO) office this conversation was the thing that broke the dreaded silence.

"So why are we being called here?" Rosalina (Mexico) asked to Kathryn (America).

"I have genuinely no clue whatsoever." Kathryn (America) responded. As both of them reached Sana's (WHO) office Kathryn (America) saw 6 states.

"Hey mom look we broke into the building and interrupted your meeting. Well mostly interrupted your time, bit does that count. I don't know." Alejandro (Texas) told Kathryn (America). Kathryn (America) was just in pure shock.

"The heck are you guys doing here!" Kathryn (America) shouted and whispered to the Cession States.

"Well we're here to see out mom!" Isla (New Mexico) shouted in joy. Rosalina (Mexico) looked at them confused.

"What is going on here?" Rosalina (Mexico) asked. She was very confused about the situation that was happening.

"Mom!" Luna (Utah), Isla (New Mexico) and Azul (Arizona) shouted in joy as all of them went to hug Rosalina (Mexico). Rosalina (Mexico) was very confused, but she didn't want to break the kids' hearts so she hugged them back in a very awkwardly.

"Kathryn (America) who are these kids. I have never met them in my life." Rosalina (Mexico) whispered to Kathryn (America). Kathryn (America) looked at Luna (Utah), Isla (New Mexico) and Azul (Arizona) being very happy. Then she remembered something.

"Hey kids I'll be talking with your mom for a bit is that fine?" Kathryn (America) told her kids. The cession states nod their heads as they waited. Both Rosalina (Mexico) and Kathryn (America) walked a bit far away from the Cession States to talk with each other.

"Hey Rosalina (Mexico) remember that one time Pax (UN) brought that strange machine and it malfunctioned. I think that might be the reason why you might not remember the states. You had your memories wiped, but unlike me I didn't since I spend time with them and live with them. I was able to gain than back since I spend time with them."

"Hey Kathryn (America) you know, you can come up with stupid ideas, but this is one I don't want to know more about." (Rosalina) Mexico told Kathryn (America).

"You may hate me, but I think you can remember them by spending some time with them. Please- don't break their little hearts."

"Ok fine if it can make you shut up." Rosalina (Mexico) said.

"Great! Come to my house after the meeting." Kathryn (America) told Rosalina (Mexico). Then Rosalina (Mexico) went back to the meeting and told everyone that Kathryn (America) had to deal with something and she had to go home. Then Kathryn (America) took the Cession States back home ans she was greeted with the usual.

"Kath (Ame)! Finally! Please calm down these gremlins. I can't deal with them and I have to work on some paperwork. Please-." Aaron (DC) told Kathryn (America) as he tried to make some of the states scram and get off his legs and arms. Kathryn (America) clapped her hands and called all of the kids attention.

"Alright, lets get ready to meet a new person." Kathryn (America) announced. All of the states stopped running, screaming and playing around and started to clean up. Aaron (DC) just looked at Kathryn (America).

"I need to learn how you do that." Aaron (DC) told Kathryn (America). (Kathryn) America just smiled.

+ Time skip bitches 😎 +

After the states were done cleaning up, Kathryn (America) heard a knock on the door.

"Oh she must be here!" Kathryn (America) shouted in joy. She went it the door and saw Rosalina (Mexico).

"Wow I can't believe that you actually came." Kathryn (America) said. Rosalina (Mexico) just smiled. Both of them entered to the main living room while talking about something (idk what do you think they are talking about? Funniest reply gets free art.).

"Yo look mom is with someone!" A kid shouted. She ran over to Kathryn (America) and Rosalina (Mexico).

"Hi I'm Marie (Alabama)! How are you! How do you like our house! Do you like our family! Do you like my mom~" Marie (Alabama) told Rosalina (Mexico). Kathryn America tried to hold the urge to punch a child, but was able to remain calm since she never had patience in the first place.

"Well it looks likes one of your kids is very bubbly." Rosalina (Mexico) smiled a bit. It was a bit awkward, but Kathryn (America) was none the less still happy to see the states interacting with someone besides their family. So more states came in and had some fun with Rosalina (Mexico).

+ Another time skip babah *finger snaps* +

After Rosalina (Mexico) was starting to hang out with the states more, she was able to remember something. She looked at the Cession States and hugged them very dearly.

"I missed you mis niños." She said as she gave the states a tight hug. While that hugging came another surprise. The Cession States were able to remember more about their mom too. This is really a heartfelt reunion. A happy family reunion.

"Aw that's very sweet. I wonder if it can affect the other countries." Aaron (DC) asked Kathryn (America). Kathryn (America) just smiled.

"As long as these kids stay out if trouble then we are fine." She said in a happy way. It's not like in the next chapter more countries find out about the states and family drama will in sue. No no no that will totally not happen. (I'm lying that will happen.)

See y'all in the next chapter!

(Hiatus) AmeriMom! and Her Silly States (AND MORE!)Where stories live. Discover now