A Very Normal Day. Promise Me, There Is NO Silliness I Can't Contain Here.

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Alejandro (Texas) was entered his room where his other siblings are.

"Escuchan todos. Tengo que decirle algo."
[Listen everyone. I need to tell you something.] Alejandro (Texas) stated to his siblings.

"Alejandro (Texas) la ultima cosa quiero que tu dices es que tu estás listo para hacer un adulto. Que es?"
[Alejandro (Texas) the last thing I want to hear is you saying that you are ready to be an adult. What is it.] Lenora (California) asked in boredom.

"Ok sabes nuestra mamá?"
[Ok do you know our mom?] Texas asked his siblings.

[Yes?] All of the other cession states said in unison.

"Alejandro (Texas). Just get to the point." Elena (Nevada) complained. She was already inpatient and started to kick her bed.

"Ok so what I was thinking of is that we should meet our mother." Alejandro (Texas) told the others. The other cession states looked at him and started to laugh.

"No I'm being serious. Who is our other mother? Like for who cares we all know Kathryn (America) is our mom, but who was our mom. Like the one who gave birth to us?" Alejandro (Texas) explained to his siblings.

"Well for who I care, I don't remember?" Luna (Utah) told Alejandro (Texas). Alejandro (Texas) looked at her and did that annoyed sigh.

"Ok so I was bored and I looked through our old family photos and saw something written behind our photo." Alejandro (Texas) explained as he pulled out a photo of all of the Cession States.

"Hey look! It's us!" Azul (Arizona) exclaimed in joy.

"Yes, it's us, but something was written on the back and I decided to find out more and it turns out... WE HAVE ANOTHER MOM!" Alejandro (Texas) shouted in joy.

"Wait your serious right?" Lenora (California) asked in shock.

"Yes I'm being serious! Next meeting aka tomorrow we sneak in and find our other mama!" Alejandro (Texas) said in excitement. All of the Cession States shouted in joy and got ready for tomorrow. When tomorrow came the other states were already awake and having fun annoying Aaron (DC) or eating breakfast. Not for the Cession States since they were walking to the meeting hall where they would see all of the our countries.

"Ok here is where Lyn (Delaware)* told us to go." Elena (Nevada) explained as they arrived.

* Lyn/Delaware is the state that will take Kathryn/America and/or Aaron/DC place if they fail to.

All of the Cession States opened the huge door and saw a lot of countries talking to each other or waiting for the next meeting. All 6 of them sneaky entered the building and we're touring it as they waited for the meeting to start. As all of them walked they saw a country or organization with white wings, a leaf crown with a gold halo holding a golden snake.

"Well it's time for you to eat Sanguis Anguis (Healthy Snake in Latin)." Sana (WHO) spoke to the snake in a baby voice. Then Sana (WHO) heard a noise and quickly turned her snake into a staff and turned around. There she saw 6 states frozen in place.

"Howdy ma'am!" Alejandro (Texas) told Sana (WHO). Both Sana and the 6 states looked at each other.

"Midgets." Sana (WHO) said to the states in the most straight forward way possible before turning her staff back into a snake.

"Well that's something." Luna (Utah) told Alejandro (Texas).

"We're not here to look at a woman feed her snake. We need to find where that are holding the next world meeting and FAST!" Alejandro (Texas) said to his younger sister.

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