Chapter 10

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Faramir could feel pain in his side and right shoulder. He knew he got hit. He could hear Estelle in his head, telling him to wake up. But he couldn't. He tried hard, but he just couldn't. He could tell that he was being dragged by his horse, to were though. His foot was caught in the stirrup. He could faintly hear the gates being opened, and someone calling out commands. Irolas has Faramir put on a stretcher, and they walk quickly through the forecourt. Lord Denethor emerges from the Hall, with his attendants and Pippin following behind.

"Faramir! Say not that he has fallen."

Irolas steps back. "They were outnumbered. Not survived."

Pippin looks upset. He goes over to Faramir and kneels down to look at him. He checks his pulse. It is faintly there! "He is alive! My Lord, he needs medicine."

Denethor ignores Pippin's cries. "My line has ended." Sadden by his son's death, he walks over to the wall and looks down at the massive orc army. "Rohan has deserted us! Theoden has betrayed me! Abandon your posts! Flee! Flee for you lives!" he screams out to his men below. Denethor turns around to find Gandalf standing in front of him. Gandalf hits him in the face and across the stomach with his staff.

"Prepare for battle. To the wall! Defend the wall! Return to your posts." Gandalf was yelling out, out he was riding Shadowfax.

Meanwhile, Faramir's body was moved into the hall. He could hear people around him; he could hear the whisper of Pippin's voice telling him to wake up.

"C'mon Faramir, wake up. Please." Pippin whispered to him.

Faramir was falling into a deep sleep. He was trying not to, to fight whatever poison was in his body. The arrows that the orcs have are laced in some kind of black liquid that once in your body, it kills you slowly, if hit in the right area. But the two arrows didn't hit any major body parts thankfully, but the poison would soon start to spread. He was running out of time. He had to fight to stay alive, for her. If he was to die though, he would want his last minutes of his life with her. To tell her how much he loves her and that he thought about her constantly. How he regrets not being at her side more. He would tell her of what their future would have been like if he survived. He called out her name in his head before he fell into a deep sleep.

The Rohirrim had stopped for a little by a lake somewhere near Gondor. Estelle was looking at the lake, the water glistening in the sun. A sharp pain ran through her head. "Ah!" She groaned. Thankfully no one was around her. She then heard a voice in her head call her name. Faramir's voice. Estelle covered her mouth with her hand. No! She thought. She had that bad feeling again running through her. Something must have happened to him. "Please God, please let Faramir be alright. I am so close now. I am almost there."

"The scouts report Minas Tirith is surrounded. The lower levels are in flames. Everywhere, legions of the enemy advance."

Estelle turned to look towards Eomer. Minas Tirith was falling. They had to make haste. Every second, minute and our lost, could end with the city falling, and a certain death to Faramir. She made her way to her horse and mounted it. Merry and Eowyn were on their horse, ready to go.

"Time is against us. Make ready! We ride through the night!" King Theoden commanded.

The Tomb of the Stewards

Faramir knew that he was still lying on a stretcher. He felt numb. There was no pain in his body. Was then hoisted up and was moving. Where was he going?

Pippin watches as Lord Denethor leads a procession, holding a torch. Faramir was right behind him, on the stretcher. Pippin runs towards them, but it was like he was invisible because they passed him without acknowledging him.

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