Chapter 8

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Faramir stood in front of his father. Lord Denethor had the angriest expression on his face. He was disappointed that his son had decided to fall back and let the city be overrun by orcs instead of risking their lives and staying to defend the city. And then he finds out that the Ring was in his possession, but instead of bringing it back, Faramir lets it go. In his mind, he had failed him once again.

"Is this how you would serve your city? You would risk its utter ruin?"

Faramir swallowed before he spoke. "I did what I judged to be right."

"What you judged to be right! You sent the Ring of power into Mordor in the hands of a witless halfling! It should have been brought back here to the Citadel to be kept safe. Hidden in the deep, dark vaults not to be used...unless at the uttermost end of need."

"I would not use the Ring. Not if Minas Tirith were falling in ruin and I alone could save her." Said Faramir.

"Ever you desire to appear so lordly and gracious as a King of old. Boromir would have remembered his father's need. He would have brought me a kingly gift."

"Boromir would not have brought the Ring. He would have stretched out his hand to this thing and taking it, he would have fallen.

"You know nothing of this matter Faramir!" Denethor stood up, angry at what his son had said.

"Boromir would have kept it for his own. And when he returned you would not have known your son." Faramir hesitatingly said.

Denethor ran down the steps and went right up to his face. "Boromir was loyal to me! Not some wizard's pupil! You have always failed me, in every way. You are no man. You were not born to be a leader. Maybe I should have threatened her life, used her against you and then maybe you would have done what I wanted you to! Maybe I would have sent out guards to kidnap her and bring her here. Beat her until you do what I say, starve her. Then I would have you watch the life in her eyes die slowly and there would be nothing for you to do to save her. He said to Faramir. He took a step back from him.

Faramir looked at his father with a stern face. "No! I would not have let that happen. Even the elves would not have it and then they would become our enemy for taking their elven princess away. She has done nothing wrong to you or to Gondor. She has been nice to everyone, including Boromir. So don't you ever bring her into this or say her name."

Lord Denethor looked at Faramir and laughed. "You are so hung up on this she elf. I don't see anything special about her. She's just a distraction for you. Keeping you from doing your duties. I should have never invited them to our Hall. Things would be so different if you didn't know her. You would be like Boromir, following my orders, being a great leader, and pleasing me. But no, you are a failure, and this so-called love is making you soft. You haven't even seen her for years and yet you say that you love her. What if she doesn't love you back? What if she decided that you were an actual waste of time and forgot about you and moved on?"

Faramir stood his ground, not showing any sign of emotion whatsoever. He knew that what his father was saying was not true. He wasn't going go even question her love for him because he knew deep down in his heart, that she loved him, and he loved her, no matter what. Yes, it has been years since they have seen one another, but nothing had changed. He thought about her every day, every hour, minute, and second. She was the one that kept him going. "I love Estelle. There's nothing you can say or do about it."

Lord Denethor snarled. "Get out of my sight, boy." He turned around and went up the steps to throne and watched Faramir leave.

Faramir walked out the door and went towards his room. He hears a quiet voice. He walked towards the voice and around the corner, he saw Pippin.

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