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Lydia Martin clutches the paper in her hands tightly, tighter than she should seeing as though how frail and brittle it is, and she waits for her Alpha and best friend. She's read the letter at least twenty times since it was given to her earlier that day, and she already has it memorized.

Dearest Lydia,

I'm writing this letter to you from a time before you're born, and I hope that it stays in good enough condition that you can still read it when it is delivered to you. The first thing that I want to tell you is that I love you and I love the pack. I've missed you all so much that it almost aches my heart to write this.

Lydia, I know that you don't believe me at least not yet but it is the truth. I'm happy here for I found the one that my heart belongs too. It wasn't an easy love, it was hard fought, but I love him all the same. He's a quiet Alpha that I call mine, and I love him. I think I already said that, but it bares repeating. Lyds, by the time you read this I'll already be dead for hundreds of years. You were bewitched when we last spoke, but I'll remember you for the girl with the fiery red hair that loved me as a brother.

I will not tell you what brought me here, I don't want you or Scott and Allison wasting your life to try to bring me back to you. I am happy here with my love and my new pack. I will tell them stories of you and of Scott so that they know that I was loved. I cannot tell you not to miss me because I miss you all so much all the time. All I can say is that someday we will be together again.

I'm sorry for the pain that I have and will cause you all, and I hope that you can forgive me. As much as I sometimes wish I was back with you, I could never leave my husband and mate. Even though I keep making Back To The Future jokes, and he just nods politely at me.

I love you all so much,


November Twenty First, Eighteen Sixteen

Lydia thought it was a joke, and she went looking for Stiles but she was unable to find him. She doesn't remember last night, the last thing she remembers was waking up in the forest all alone. Lydia called Scott in a frenzy, unsure of what was happening herself, and he promised to be here as soon as he could. Now, she waits for him.


One Year Later

"I cannot believe you found this place, Lydia." Allison says, balancing her daughter on her hip while they walk down the hill. Lydia turns to smile at her best friend while Scott keeps a steady hand on Allison's back while they walk.

They're back in Ireland, the three now four of them, to visit Stiles' grave. Lydia took Stiles' disappearance hard, she dropped out of school and almost quit eating while she pushed herself into research until Scott told her that this isn't how Stiles would want her to live her life, but she still managed to find where Stiles was buried.

"It was just luck, I guess. Of course Stiles would go down in history as the only person to survive been burned at the stake for witchcraft. How much do you want to bet that he told the children of his pack Harry Potter and passed it off as his own?" Lydia says, laughing softly before she stops. "This is it." Lydia says, and she smiles sadly.

The stone that the graves are made up of are broken and weathered with age, but that doesn't stop Scott from gently pulling away the twigs, vine, and grass that covers it until he can read the inscriptions. "It's in Irish and English." Scott says, and he brushes the dirt away until he stops. "This is his husband. Derek Hale." Scott says, and he moves in closer to read the words on his grave. "Derek Samuel Hale, Alpha of the Hale Pack. Born Seventeen Ninety Three. Died Eighteen Seventy Eight." Scott says, and Lydia chokes a soft laugh as she clears away Stiles' grave.

"Here lies Stiles Hale, husband to Derek Hale. Born Nineteen Ninety Five. Died Eighteen Seventy Eight, only hours after his beloved husband." Lydia reads, and there's more writing on the section of the grave that connects Derek to Stiles. "They were survived by their only son, Scott, and a pack that will miss them. Bhì sé ar an saol maith." Lydia reads, and Allison takes out her phone to find out what it means before she sobs out a laugh.

"'It was a good life.'" She reads, and Lydia smiles sadly to herself. None of them say anything for awhile before Scott sniffs and jerks his head to show that they need to leave. Lydia nods her head before she kisses her hand before patting Stiles' grave.

It was a good life. 

*I'm not crying, you're crying. Thank you all so much for everything. I love you all*

Love Finds A Way (Sterek AU)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz