Chapter Twelve: Brother

Start from the beginning

"What!?" Ray yelled, they had arrived at Ray's room and told Ray what had happened. "Krone found out that we can break the tracking devices!?"

[Name] took a deep breath, shaking her head. The two nodded.

"So I want to move up the escape day. When can you break the trackers?" Norman crossed his arms.

The raven-nette huffed in annoyance, and looked through his drawer, he took out his camera, and took a picture of the two, the flash startled them,  Emma yelped back, covering her eyes while Norman watched confused.

[Name] couldn't help but laugh at the two, so did Norman.

"What even was that!?" Emma asked, Ray handed [Name] the picture, she watched closely, waiting for it to develop.

Ray showed them his camera, "With this, I have all the necessary parts."

Norman took the camera in his hands, analyzing it. "I can break them anytime now."

Emma gasped in joy.

[Name] handed Ray the picture as soon as it developed, a chuckle escaped his lips.

"Hmm?" Emma tilted her head, walking towards the raven-nette.

"Look at your face." he giggled.

"Hey! That's mean!"

Ray laughed, ruffling her orange curls. Emma whined, walking over to [Name] hugging her and burying her head on her chest. The [h/c] girl patted Emma's head.

"There, there."

"This is quite a double-edged sword." Norman spoke up, studying the camera. "Are we going to break the tracking devices and escape first?

Or will Sister find this evidence first and turn us in before that?"

"Don't worry, I've take care of it." Ray assured, smirking.


Krone sighed  tiredly, she had been thinking for the past few minutes, on the edge of her bed. The woman rested her hand on her chin, her hand then traveled to her doll, which was resting on her chest.

"I wonder why they pretended not to know? They knew exactly where the trackers were and how to break them. But how did they find out in the first place?"

Her hands caressed the doll.

"Rather, how will they break them? Will they use a special tool? Could they have made such thing? If that's the case... it could be the evidence I need.

Is that why they were scared and lied?"


The woman jumped up excitedly.

"Well then, it's time for a search!"


Emma sat the plates on the table, [Name] helping by her side. The [h/c] tensed up, she sighed, trying her best not to look back, where a certain someone watched closely, a creepy smile on  her face.

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