"Why can I meet Bianca?" I asked angrily.

"Because she's dead." percy sobbed, "she died that winter on a quest, it was before I found out they were children of hades."

"tch." I scoffed, "whatever, I'm out of here."

I then started to climb out the window.

"wait!" I heard percy yell.

I didn't respond, I was too angry, when I reached the ground I took off to the nearest bus stop and made my way toward camp.

time change... (same pov)

I arrived at camp and just looked at the hill, I had three siblings beyond these borders that I'd never met, I don't know anything about them, and I doubt percy told them about me, I took a deep breath and started walking up the hill.

"you've got this Catherine," I said to myself, "you've got this."

I walked through the border and I saw a bunch of campers down below, they were laughing and running, I saw Chiron walking into the big house or would he be trotting?

"Chiron!" I yelled running towards him and waving my hands in the air.

Chiron turned around and saw me when I reached him he spoke, "Catherine!" he exclaimed, "you came early."

"I'm looking for someone," I said getting straight to the point.

"Who?" Chiron asked.

"his name is nico, and then there's ben and hazel, I need to see them all," I answered.

"Okay, I'll go find them, wait inside the big house, I'll be quick," Chiron said.

I hugged him, "thank you!"

he hugged back, "of course dear, run along." he trotted away.

I walked into the big house and sat down on the couch.

time change...

1st person pov (nico's pov)

I was hanging out with will, ben, hazel, and Lilly. will, hazel and I were telling them scary stories, that they requested, when Chiron came up to us.

"hey, Chiron." will greeted.

"hello will," Chiron replied, "could I borrow, nico, ben, and hazel for a moment?"

"I guess," I said, "what for?"

"I'm not sure yet..." chiro said.

my siblings and I stood up and followed Chiron, he was leading us toward the big house.

"Are we in trouble sir?" hazel asked.

"no, of course not!" Chiron answered, "don't you worry dear, everything is alright."

we walked into the big house and there sitting on a couch was a girl, she looked as old as percy, she had long curly, purple, black, and blue hair and black eyes that looked like an empty pit where someone would never stop falling. she stood up and looked at us.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"My name's Catherine, and I need to tell you guys something," Catherine said.

"okay? what is it?" I replied.

"sit down, please," Catherine spoke, she then took a seat on the couch.

my siblings and I went and sat down on the couch across from her, she looked at us like she knew us but she didn't know us.

"I'm your sister," Catherine said.

everyone in the room gasped, another kid, really dad?

"what do you mean?" I asked.

"I met percy four and a half years ago and well I just found out about this today as well, he never told me about you guys."

"how come I haven't seen you at camp then?" I asked.

"I've been busy," Catherine said, "I've wanted to go back to camp since but things came up."

"how come percy never told me about this?" I asked.

"I don't know, like I said he never told me till today," Catherine answered.

hazel then stood up and walked over towards Catherine, "this is so great! I'm hazel."

then walked ben, "my name's ben."

ben stuck his hand out and shook Catherine's hand.

Catherine looked at me, "I'm guessing you're nico?"

"yeah," I said.

Catherine then scooped us all up and made us hug, I don't know why but I hugged back, we all held each for a minute until we broke away.

"I'm going to go talk to percy." I said, "I'll be back."

I then shadow traveled away.

time change...

1st person pov (Percy's pov)

after Catherine left my mom came into the room and looked at me.

"where's Catherine?" she asked.

"she left for camp already," I answered, I must've had a hint of sadness in my voice because my mom walked over and sat down on Catherine's bed.

"what's wrong percy?" my mom questioned.

"I just told Catherine about nico," I answered, I looked at the ground in shame.

"what do you mean you just told her?" my mom asked.

"Catherine never knew about him, or hazel, or even ben." I said, "I don't know why but I just forgot to tell her and I never told nico as well, I'm a horrible person."

my mother gave me a hug, "you're not horrible."

I pushed out of my mom's hug, "yes I am!" I stood up, "I knew how much both of them has lost but yet I didn't have a second thought to tell them that they were related!"

tears were now full-on falling down my face, before my mom could respond nico appeared in my room.

"didn't think to tell me about my sister, huh?" nico asked.

"nico..." I said, "it was an accident, I didn't mean to, I'm so so so sorry, to both of you!"

"yeah, whatever," he replied, he then shadow traveled away again.

time change...

1st person pov (nico's pov)

I arrived back at camp and walked over to Catherine, ben, and hazel, they were talking to will and Lilly, they were all laughing.

when will saw me and ran up and hugged me, "nico! your new sister is great at mytho magic! she might be able to beat you!"

"doubt it," I said.

I walked over towards the table, Catherine was in the middle of beating hazel.

"yes!" Catherine yelled, she had just won the game.

"good job," I said.

Catherine turned around, "thanks, will tells me you're good, wanna go?"

"you bet!" I replied, I then sat down and we started playing.

time change...(same pov)

It's been a couple of weeks since I found out about Catherine, she's pretty cool, we got to play a couple of pranks on percy to get back at him, I'm glad to have my siblings.

author note: that's the end! hope you enjoyed this chapter, I think this one and the last one have been my longest chapters in this story, bye for now!

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