19 | in my room and i can't get out

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(When Buck eventually titles his second album I'll change the title.)

Buck had just finished his album, and today they left once more for a tour. Everyone agreed that it was a masterpiece as he referred to it as "Murder the Melting Meadow" Lily had the opportunity to design tour merch over the past few weeks. Buck and Lily were using Lily's car so he wouldn't have to take the bus for his own safety. Lily always gloated that she was proud of him for making that decision on his own. Buck had finished assisting Lily with packing their belongings. When he was sober, he was significantly more helpful and productive.

"You ready?" Buck asked, and Lily replied, "Yep, let's try this again." They only took Lily's car for the extra space, and they loaded the bags into the trunk and backseat. "Can you let everyone know that we're now on our way?" Buck asked, and Lily replied, "Already did." with a smile. Because he was making his own decisions for his own well-being and putting all of his effort into sobriety, Lily was certain that Buck would be fine this time around. She was also fine as long as he was okay.

"Are you happy?" She asks out of nowhere.

"Oh, very, this is going to be the biggest tour yet," Buck responded. Lily smiled.

"You don't even know what's coming." Buck kept saying and implying that he had a big surprise or that something big was going to happen on this tour, but Lily had no idea and he didn't tell her anything. Since the previous tour, many months had passed.

The first location was just over an hour away. Although it would be exhausting, the effort would be well worth it. They could switch drivers if they got too tired, at least. Alongside the bus, which had also just arrived, Buck pulled into the parking lot. While the other guys got off the bus, Buck walked around the car's front to help Lily get out. In June, it was a pleasant spring day with a lot of sun but not too much heat or sweaty people. But at the end of the week, it was Lily's birthday. She was fine to skip the celebrations so that gus could go on tour, but she had no idea that everyone had a little plan for her.

Buck and Lily greeted everyone in the parking lot as they prepared to enter the venue for the hour-long performance. "Hey Lily," Asuka hugged Lily as she moved over to her when she noticed her. Asuka complimented her white crop top, which she was wearing over a pair of light-wash Rock Revival jeans and black New Rocks boots that Buck had purchased for her. "You look super cute by the way," she said.

Asuka was completely on board with Lily's birthday and the other event that Buck had planned. He tasked her with becoming her personal distraction at any time since Buck didn't want any secrets to be revealed to Lily before he was ready, so Asuka and Sem were the only people who were aware.

Buck didn't have to be around the substance use backstage because the guys had restricted it to the bus only. Everyone had benefited from Buck's sobriety; as a result, their overall drug use, drinking, and partying had decreased significantly.

Buck and Lily waited for a while as everyone began to enter the building because he said he wanted to talk to her. "Look, I know you hate the tour, but I swear this time it will be better. I'm doing everything for you. Thus time, we'll help each other and have fun." Buck said, "I want to be able to enjoy this with you." He had developed a symbiotic relationship with Lily, so he needed her here and hoped she could stay through it again.

"Oh, I know, and I trust you. I'm ready this time. I'm happy you can do what you love, it'll be fun, and i'm proud of you," Lily told him, knowing it wouldn't be like last time.

Buck noticed that someone was wearing his merchandise when he saw a girl, probably fifteen or sixteen years old, approaching them from the parking lot. "Hi! Could I please get a picture, I'm your biggest fan!" Buck smiled and nodded. "Only if my girl can be in the pic."

The girl mused, "I love you and your music, you've helped me through so much."

"Sem, can you take a picture for us?" said Buck.

"Of course," he replied as he took the girl's phone. Sem took a few pictures. "Let's hope at least one of them caught my good side." The girl said, "Thank you so much, this means the world to me."

"No problem, and I appreciate it." Buck told her, "I wouldn't be here without you."

"By the way, you're really pretty," the girl said to Lily. "Aw, thank you," Lily smiled. She hadn't talked to many of Buck's fans, but this one seemed really nice.

Lily watched Buck perform from just offstage, just like she did on the previous tour. He seemed to be enjoying himself more on stage now, and he had a lot more energy. Buck occasionally turned to look at her, giving her a wry smile, thumbs up, or wave to let her know he was still thinking of her.

"Good start for the first show?" Buck said as he left the stage after finishing his set. Lily nodded, and Buck added "Had so much fuckin' fun with this one." Even though he was usually sweaty and gross, he always gave Lily a hug at the end of each show.

As the guys cheered for the first show to end, the room was filled with good, upbeat energy. It certainly got off to a good start. It would be a good time for everyone until the end as long as this level of sobreity and excitement persisted.

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