Chapter 24: It was all a blur

Start from the beginning

"Are you okay?" you ask them confused, and they all shift their weight and look towards the television,

"When was the last time we all did this huh?" Peter said getting comfy,

"Never" Yelena said, getting up, dragging Peter with her,

"Where are we going?" he asked,

"For a run" Yelena said back, you heard Peters protests until he was dragged out of the door, you chuckled to yourself.


Wanda and Nat had both been looking at you all day, waiting for your next move, you could barely go to the bathroom in peace. You decided you were sick of it, you found Peter and Yelena outside your house, and you sighed as you sat down beside them.

"What is it?" Yelena asked,

"Nat and Wanda" you said crossing your arms,

"What happened?"

"Nothing, they just keep watching me like I'm about to break" 

"Do you need a drink?" Yelena asked, you probably shouldn't, given everything that is going on, but fuck it. You nodded your head, following Yelena inside, Peter followed close behind, muttering 'this isn't going to end well' under his breath.


You are sitting at the kitchen table with Yelena, a bottle of vodka between you both, when your mum comes in,

"I don't even want to know" she said, grabbing a bottle of water before heading out with your sister, you smiled at her as she left,

"Don't you guys think you should stop, I mean what is the goal here?" Nat asked from the family room sofa,

"You are so right Nat, we don't have a goal" you said to Yelena, you got up off your chair and dragged Yelena to your bedroom,

"Eh, Y/n I like you and all but not this much" she said from across the room,

"Jesus Yelena, don't flatter yourself" you laughed, heading towards your wardrobe,

"What are we doing in here" she questioned, moving to sit on the end of your bed,

"We are going out"

Peter had decided to join you on your night out, both because Nat and Wanda made him go with you, plus he had really bad fomo. You asked if Wanda and Nat wanted to go but they shook their heads, reminding you of the last time you and Yelena went out drinking together.
You were all queuing up to get into the club, Peter questioning whether his ID would work, the bouncer sized him up but let him follow you and Yelena in.

Half way through the night you are dancing with drinks in hand when all of a sudden Yelena stops, she whispers something to Peter before moving you in front of her, she puts both hands on your shoulders directing you towards the exit, in a hushed voice, she tells you to keep walking and don't act weird. The lights of the club flickering between different colours and darkness alongside the booming sound of the bass as the DJ continued his set, it was increasingly hard to focus, you started to feel your heart beat quicken, knowing something wasn't right. The club was packed and while Yelena kept her hands on your shoulders steering you towards the exit, you could see some men in black walking towards you, losing them every time the lights went dark, and that's when you noticed you couldn't see Peter. 

When you arrive outside, two armoured trucks swung round to the entrance of the club, thugs dressed in black  get out of the car, and you and Yelena immediately started fighting, you knock out the first guy by hurling a fireball at him, he drops his gun and you quickly throw it over to Yelena, at the sound of gun shots Peter immediately rushes out of the club, wearing his spiderman suit under his clothes, the three of you fight off the attackers, people had started to run away in a panic, in the hustle of the crowd you get knocked over, a woman stopped to help you up and that's when you see her steely blue eyes, but before you can react she whispers something and it all goes black.


"Hello? Yelena slow down"

"You need to come right now, Y/n is out of control"

Me and Wanda both share a look before running to the cars, Yelena was still on comms telling us the situation from behind a car, she was out of breath and crouched down, she tells us that Y/n was lost in the crowd for a moment and then boom, she threw a fire ball right at her.

When me and Wanda pull up to the scene, Y/n was the one causing the scene, sending fire straight into cars, people barely escaping with their lives. This then starting a chain reaction of cars exploding in the middle of Dublin.

Peter tried to stop a car from going into a building by catching it with his web, but it accidentally swung round hitting a bus, I saw people frantically leaving the bus before running away from you all.

I tried to get people to safety and that's when Wanda took over trying to stop Y/n, it didn't take long for her to get in Y/n's head, Y/n was in the air at this point as a fiery ball, and then her light went out and she fell onto the ground. Wanda grabbed her head in pain, and Peter and I ran over to Y/n, while Yelena tended to Wanda.

When we got to her Y/n was passed out, we carried her into the SUV and sped off before anything could be done. Once in the car, Wanda was feeling better,

"What was wrong with her?" I asked

"It wasn't her Nat"

Playing with fire ( Female Y/N x Natasha x Wanda)Where stories live. Discover now