Chapter 1

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Jesalynn Martinez

Bang Bang

I jumped up out of my sleep from the loud heavy banging on the front door. I wonder who the hell is knocking on my damn door that hard in early in the fucking morning I thought to myself as I get out of the bed and grab my pink robe to cover myself up.

"Who is it?" I hear my daughter Princess said "Okay give me a minute I will go get her" I heard her says again. "Momma Mr. Givens at the door" she said coming in my room but I was already at the door about to go check it out myself.

"Okay thanks baby go get your sisters and brother up for school" I said kissing her forehead and heading down the hall to the front door to deal with my fucking landlord again for the fourth time this week.

"Hi Mr. Givens we can talk outside" I said to him so that way my kids wouldn't hear this conversation I already know it's about the rent money that I don't have right now. "You have your rent money today?" He asked getting straight to the point. "Not right now I get paid today I will have it tomorrow" I said looking at him. "Okay I will be here then same time Ms. Martinez in don't forget the late fee chargers it's 40.00 as of today" he said looking at me.

"Okay I will have it all tomorrow thank you have a nice day" I said walking back into the house. "What he wanted this time momma?" my son asked as he fix him a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cereal. "Nothing baby he just warning me in the other tenants about his new policies nothing major" I said sitting down at the table with all my babies as they ate there cereals. "Mom is the new policy bad?" My youngest daughter Jazmend said looking at me. "No baby everything fine don't worry about it mama got it you just focus on school" I said looking at her smiling. "Okay we got to go or we're going to miss the bus" My middle daughter Shariah said getting up from the table. "Princess I will be home late tonight I got to work a double you already know to make sure the doors lock in order you guys some dinner" I said giving her forty dollars so she can order food for herself and her siblings.

"Okay mama love you" she said placing the money into her pockets and they all walked out the door" I love you guys" I yelled out to them. "We love you more momma" they all said in union back to me. I just smiled closing the door and let out a big breath that I didn't even know I was holding in. "Man what is I'm going to do?" I said to myself as I walked to my room.

I owe my landlord a thousand dollars I been short lately because my job cut everyone hours in I can't afford to get kicked out our house my kids needs this place. I don't have no family or friends that I can stay with for a short period of time. All the people I know will not help me nor my kids it's like they shunned us away but as a mother I will always be here for my kids and provide for them they are my responsibilities so it's okay if the world turned their backs on us I will make a way for my kids always in that's no doubt about it.

"Where is my clothes at?" I said to myself as I got out the shower thinking to myself. I found my uniform and got dress then placed my hair into a Blunt Bangs Ponytail and walked out the door locking it behind me.

"Come on Jesalynn you need this job for your kids I know you hate it but you need it" I said to myself as walked to work. "Jes you know you could've called me I would've came in pick u up" my coworker Paige Stewart said walking in behind me. "It's okay Paige I would hate for you to go out your way to help me" I said putting on my work apron and clocking in.

"Girl it's no problem girl I got u plus it dangerous walking at night your a woman" She said putting on her apron. "Thanks Paige this really means a lot to me" I said because it does honesty do I don't have anyone else and all of my family is still living here in Davenport, Iowa. I was born and raised here I have never been anywhere besides here that is something I want change though like take my kids somewhere they haven't been treat them for being some brilliant kids.

"Jesalynn I'm sorry but were over on our numbers for today I gotta send you and Paige home" my boss Rossa Garcia said looking at me with a apologetic look. "Awe come on Mrs. Rossa I just got here an hour ago" I said looking at her like damn I barely make enough as it is since you cut hours I'm fucking a grand behind on rent because of this stupid ass job. What the fuck man. "I know I'm sorry Jesalynn here your check though I promise I'm trying to do right by everyone" she said handing me my check and walked off. I sighed and opened the envelope seeing it was only four hundred dollars and eight two cent. I shake my head Mr. Givens is not going to understand this I can't afford to give him all my money I still got to go grocery shopping at the house for my kids to have food to eat on.

"Are you ready?" Paige said to me as I just shook my head yes and put my check into my apron pocket. "What's wrong?" She asked me as we got into her White 2022 Maserati. I wonder how can she afford a ride like this working at the diner shit cause I cannot even afford 1500 rent let alone a nice ass car like this. Hell I don't even have a car I walk to work everyday I can't afford one. I have zero support for either of my kids father I can't put them on child support since I was rape by my first baby daddy twice. That mother fucker put to damn kids in me in still married my mama so you know he ain't signed no birth certificate nor claim any of my kids. Then my mama kicked me out soon as I told her the truth about her husband she swear I came on to him but no I promise you that is not what happened he took advantage of me twice and got me pregnant both times. I was only a kid man so I didn't have anywhere to go I was out on my own at 14 years old with my daughter Princess and pregnant with my son Jerquis. When I gave birth to him we were living in a group home for young adults with kids until I met Shariah and JazMend dad. He was a great father and provider for all us until we got to College he decided one day he wanted to be kids free and live life that way I ain't have that choice I couldn't finish college because I had no baby sitter I drop out started working here at the Last Chance Diner trying to maintain my house but that shit hard. Their fathers know about them they just don't give a fuck about them but it's whatever they are mines so I have to provide there no doubt about it my kids are everything to me and know they can always count mama. Yeah I hate that under the circumstances how I got them but I will say this I am bless to have them.

"Where u stay at?" She asked me pulling out the diner. "Five blocks over 4040 North 180th Street" I said to her and she nodded heading that way. She honesty did have a nice ass ride. "I really need a second job this money ain't cutting it for me in my kids" I said looking out the window. "I got a job for you let me run it by Mrs. Anderson first you know what never mind meet me tomorrow night around 9pm at this address 1771 East 18th Street" she said to me as we pulled up to my house. "Um I don't know I will think about it I have my kids here I really want to leave them overnight by themselves i don't think I can work nights" I said to her. Which is the truth I don't like the diner but I only work mornings there I am home by four so my kids only at home a hour by themselves I don't really like leaving my kids unattended that long. Even though they are big kids and can be left by there selves I just feel more safer when I'm home with them. "Listen Jesalynn changes only change when you change it you just told me you need more money I'm trying to help you out I will pick you up matter fact since I see you don't have a car" she said looking at me. Paige was a Medium Height Dark Skin Girl with Long Black Straight Hair and DarkBrown Eyes. She was gorgeous too. "Sure but I can't be out to late" i said and she became all happy and nodded her head I got her car and into the house. I wonder what is this night job I hope it's legit and not prostitution because ain't no way in hell I'm down with that I don't give a damn how much the money is I'm not that type of woman. Beside hell Paige doesn't seem like that type to me either so whatever it is I just hope I ain't gonna end up in jail behind it I thought to myself as I walked into my bedroom and took a shower before I went back to sleep but I needed to take out the Chicken i was going to cook this evening for dinner.

After shower I put on some White underwear and Bra set then put on a pair of Blue Capri and a White Tank with my Blue House Shoes Slippers placing my hair into a Messy Bun and went into the kitchen to take out the Frozen Chicken Wings I decided to cook for dinner while I waited on them to get out of school I went back into my room and went to sleep might as well get some more rest I had to leave work early again today.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2023 ⏰

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