Tomorrows opportunity

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An old freind

It had been 5 years since the events at rose field hills jack and Kai's friendship had reached new heights jack never even dreamed. of his dream of becoming a private detective had come true as well he now lived a cozy life with Kai little did they know the past is coming to haunt them. A knock on jacks office door took him out of his trance-like focus "c c come in" jack said a bit shaken  the door opens as a tall muscular orange hair man walked in he sat down legs spread "so what do you need help solving" jack said in a joking but almost no joking tone at the same time
The man smiled looking up "nice office man good to see you again" the man said with a smiling jack frozen remembering "Michael!!!!" He said shocked seeing him after so long  "your your alive" he says amazed "i told you call me Emile" he says smiling "now tell me about this murder case" jack frozen stares back at him "wh wh wh why do you want to know" he said coarsely "I have a theory someone investigating or you are the killer in early days of the case people that are form your college died others that weren't like Lexi but I believe that's to mask the other murders and after Ross was investigating you he happened to kill himself but I believe he was murdered and framed up to be a sucide" Emile said with confidence "huh that's a great deduction but to prove I'm not the killer how about you join me in a scene ok a new body has been found 20 year old Ethan white body found at 4 am by his wife coming home form a trip we better leave now I have a date tonight" he said getting right down to business "have you and Kai been hitting it off then I told you your both great for each other" he said playfully "shut up and get in the car" at the scene the empty dirty home filled with dread a pool of dried blood in the middle of the floor a small trail leads to the bathroom walls covered in blood "there's to much blood to narrow down there the victim died this one being the most violent apparently the head was found here and the left arm the right arm yet to be found" jack said with annoyance as Emile looked at the scene following the small dried blood trail listening carefully "what else was found at the scene anything not on the file" Emile said emotionless "no nothing barely anything found nothing happened still no sign of who this killer is if there male or female" jack said getting upset feeling like he'll fail this case "well if my theory's right then *knocks on the floor as it sounds hollow he then proceeded to rip the floor boards form the ground findings word scramble* the hell is this" Emile says Casualty "hay that could have....." "If we yet to find a pair of DNA anywhere you think will find it on this," Emile says cutting jack off "I guess ur right what are the letters there" jack not wanting to argue with Emile knowing he's right "6186 B T L O C H A E B E R I P" Emile looked puzzled cocking his head to the side what do you think I think the numbers may mean it's an address but the order they belong in could be many outcomes" Emile stated with annoyance under his breath "Mmmmm we should look at everything with those numbers and letters in it while he gets that you hungry we can go and get Something my treat" friendly ness and trying to reconnect coming form jack "sure how about the dinner on lexicon street" Emile's suggestion makes jacks face light up "HELL YA THAT PLACE IS THE BEST" jacks excitement flooding through jack "alright let's go *starts walking out with jack*"


*at the dinner the two of they say at a both eating Emile ordered eggs and bacon while jack ordered the chicken and frys it had started to rain the sky starting turn to night* "Emile question why are you on this case anyway" jack states trying not to be rude
"Well I hear all about this case and I want to put an end to theses crimes to honor you know who" Emile said Reminiscing about the past  "hay come on there both probably drinking and partying like porn stars were ever they are" jack mocking and old line form a show they use to watch makes Emile smile again "ya I bet they are now tell me more about the case it started 5 years and 6 months ago correct also I believe Ross was a murder not a sucide" Emile stated while finishing his food "what makes you say that it shows all the sighs of it he put everything into it tried to frame me and lost his job so maybe he just lost it"  Emile looked at him dead in his eyes "the body was found at rose field hill so my guess he lead the killer there somehow and I believe the killer was raised at the institution at the same time as us theyre clearly highly intelligent so it makes sense" jack looked down thinking this though it dose make scenes but it can't be himself Yoko Lawliet emile and Kai where the highest ranked at the institution but Lawliet and Yoko are dead that leaves Emile jack and Kai left or could it be someone else "there to many outcomes of who it can be even if it was me you or even Kai it's most unlikely unless Lawliet came back form the dead or Something then it's unlikely" jack rebottled back with annoyance "then it's someone else maybe All sighs point to them being a child form the orphanage" Emile said opening a thing of butterscotch suckers putting 2 in his mouth "what's with the suckers" jack said clearly trying to change the subject "I just really like them and you almost done we have some work to do still" Emile replied impatiently "ya come on let's go" jack leaves the money to cover it and a tip they both leave the dinner getting in jacks car and driving off

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