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xaiveheir: google please stop showing me sex ads

xaiveheir: i know there are desperate sluts in my area

xaiveheir: i have a mirror

genderbentdracula: dePsrwet aslUts laOl

bettertwin: don't mind her

bettertwin: ajax got her high


bbicanaca: how do you get someone high accidentally


emoiestgay: why do you even have weed?

medusa: why do you not?

emoiestgay: fair.

9:19 PM

furry: the real question is how the fuck did persephone only manage to eat 6 pomegranate seeds theyre like the fucking cocaine of fruit u cant just eat 6 singular seeds u have to pop in handful after handful into ur mouth at rapid seeds then get sad bc u spent half an hour getting them out of the pomegranate then ate them all in 5 minutes.

xaiveheir: are u ok

furry: pomy granite

10:29 PM

genderbentdracula: self care is actually getting into fights with randoms in dark alleyways at midnight.

furry: no self care is taking a warm bubble bath or putting on lots of makeup or taking a nice nap or smth like tht

emoiestgay: self care is the burning heat when rage washes over you. self care is when you feel your opponent's bones crack under your powerful fists. self care is when you can see the fear in your enemy's eyes.

medusa: i thought self care is when you take care of self.

xaiveheir: whos self

medusa: the one who adds meaning to self care

bbicanaca: at times, i feel like i'm the only sane person in this groupchat.

bettertwin: at times i wonder what self care means

12:10 AM

bettertwin: what did frosty the snowman do other than come to life do a little dance then die??

emoiestgay: isn't that all everyone does, really?

bettertwin: holy shit ur right

3:46 AM

genderbentdracula: im doing that adult thing where u eat an entire cake

genderbentdracula: upadte: theres more cake than i imagined

genderbentdracula: i see why im not allowed to do this

genderbentdracula: im gonna be a fucking menace and puke outside the balcony

genderbentdracula: only bc im on the top floor

emoiestgay: i want ONE normal night.

furry: that isny poseible ina thsus gorucphat

10:37 AM

furry: @emoiestgay

furry: whats pen4 + pen5 + pen6

xaiveheir: enid dont

genderbentdracula: ITS PEN7

genderbentdracula: wait

emoiestgay: the answer is 15pen.

furry: no say it like i did.

emoiestgay: pen4 + pen5 + pen6??


emoiestgay: pfft

furry: .

emoiestgay: i tricked you into saying the male genitalia.

furry: im fonna go ball my eyes out

bbicanaca: you mean bawl?

furry: ball.

4:54 PM

bbicanaca: HELP IM DYING

bbicanaca: yoko just did the most stupidest thing ive ever seen

genderbentdracula: donr u fuckifn dare

bbicanaca: she tried zooming in on a paper

medusa: 😟😟

xaiveheir: yoko wtf

furry: ur that sleepdepriuved??

genderbentdracula: 🖕🖕

6:31 PM

bbicanaca: i remember this one time i was grounded for coming home late

emoiestgay: you deserved it.

emoiestgay: i mean

emoiestgay: getting everyone's hope up like that and then showing up?

emoiestgay: cruelty.

furry: our lessons on being nice hasn't done anything

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