18| Shes A Liability

Start from the beginning

"What the fuck! They break into my warehouse, steal my fucking shit!" I shouted, kicking the table out of anger, sending it flying across the room. It hit the floor with a loud crash.

"Who do they think they are trying to step to me?" I spat.

"There's more..."

I groaned out of frustration, tussling up my curly hair. "What is it?" I growled.

"Remember when you got stabbed."

"Yeah. It's kind of hard to forget. But go on."

"And then we get shot at randomly, and then now the warehouse got broken into, when nobody was there. I've been thinking these situations are not on accident. How did Carter know you would be at Carlos party, the night you got stabbed and how did those guys know we would be on that exact street when they started shooting at us, and now how did they know at this time nobody would be at the warehouse."

"Are you saying...."

"We have a mole." He states.

"You've been distracted, whatever you got going on with that girl, Layla. It needs to stop. Especially now. No more mishaps. She is a liability."

He's right, I've been distracted. I haven't been on my game lately, I've been living like an ordinary person but nothing about my life is ordinary.

"We shoot and go, no more talking, no more letting people go. This stays between us until I figure out who's safe. Until then keep quiet."



I walked into school and all eyes were on me. "I've been shunned already." I mutter.

"Its okay. They weren't your real friends anyway." Iris says and locks arms with me, giving me a good squeeze on my shoulder.

We made it to my locker and I put in my locker combination, "I honestly can't believe you almost went to prison!" She whispered shouted.

"I know, I was so scared! And my dad was SO mad."

"And Alejandro? What did your dad say to him?"

Just like a genie he popped out a room, he was tense and it was evident on his face that he was pissed. He was coming our way, at first I thought he would try to talk to me but instead he walked right passed me.

"Talk about Nate and Casey." Iris says.

I felt my stomach do back flips and not the good kinds. "I-I did tell him that we needed a break but its Alejandro he doesn't listen to anyone... the one time I didn't want him to listen, he listens." I grabbed my books and shut it close.

I watched him walk down the hall, "I told him I loved him."

The bell ringed.

Her eyes went wide and she squealed, and playfully hit me a couple of times. "Oh my God! Did he say it back? Wait what about Jason?!"

"No he didn't and Jason... I'm breaking up with him." I let out. "Once he comes back from camp, it's over."

I'm ending this once and for all.

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