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"Daddy, we forgot to say goodbye to Mommy." Beth realized when they got to Lima.

"Mommy was still sleeping when we left." Puck lied, though it was probably true. "Are you excited to see Bubbe and Aunt Sarah?"

"Yeah!" Beth exclaimed. "Am I gonna see Gramma?"

"Yeah, you wanna see her first?" Puck offered. "Why don't I drop you off at Grandma's, and then I'll come get you after I check if Bubbe and Aunt Sarah are home?"

"Okay." Beth nodded.

"Okay." Puck repeated, grabbing the bags and taking Beth's hand. "Come on, princess."

Puck got a car, and he and Beth went to the Fabray house.

The pair stood on the front steps hand-in-hand, waiting after Puck knocked.

The door opened, and Judy stood there with a surprised, but pleased look on her face.

"Hi, Gramma!"

"Hi, sweetie." Judy smiled as Beth hugged her. "Hi, Noah. What a nice surprise."

"We just landed, and she asked to see you." Puck told Judy. "I hope that's okay. I don't wanna interrupt any of your plans."

"Of course that's okay." Judy noted. "My granddaughter always comes first."

Puck smiled.

"Come in." Judy said.

"I'm actually gonna run to my mom's to see if anyone's around." Puck told Judy. "If that's okay."

"Of course." Judy responded. "We'll be here whenever you want to come back."

"Thanks." Puck said. "I'll see you later then. Beth, be good for your grandmother. I love you."

"Love you, Daddy!" Beth exclaimed.

Puck kissed Beth's cheek and smiled. He gave the bags to Judy before kissing Beth again and leaving, heading to the Puckerman house.

"Anybody home?" Puck called as he entered the house.



Puck walked through the house and found his sister. "Hey."

"Hi." Sarah smiled as she hugged Puck. "I didn't know you were coming to visit."

"Yeah, I wasn't, but I'm here so..." Puck shrugged.

"Where's Beth?" Sarah wondered.

"She's with Quinn's mom." Puck said. "I didn't know if anyone was here."

"Mom and Tanisha are both out at work, so it's just me." Sarah noted. "But I'm supposed to be going to the pool today."

"Well, we'll be here a few days, so do whatever you want." Puck told Sarah. "Beth's with her grandma all day anyway, so..."

"I like seeing just my brother, too, you know." Sarah confessed.

Puck smiled. "Well, let me know what you're doing today, okay? 'Cause if you want, I'll take you to lunch and we can catch up."

"I can always go to the pool another day."

"It's up to you."

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