Gabriel's Extortion~

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Things went on pretty normally in Heaven, or as normal as it could being celestial beings. No angels seemed to rebel or retaliate after Lucifer and his band of misfits had fallen, which included Raphael. Regardless of Aziraphale not remembering any of them, he felt bad and thought it was just wrong, especially for the red head but he didn't know why.

After a few months Aziraphale questioned Gabriel about their relationship; since they never hugged, they never kissed, never held hands or any of that stuff that told each other nonverbally that they loved one another. The only thing they did was say "I love you" to one another and when Aziraphale would go to hold Gabriel's hand, hug Gabriel, or kiss him- Gabriel would always pull away seemingly annoyed at Aziraphale every time this happened.

"You're a handful." He had said to Aziraphale at one point. Aziraphale thought Gabriel was being playful at the time but when he thought about it, he had sounded seriously agitated. Soon enough after 1,000 years or so after Lucifer's group fell from Heaven, Aziraphale was assigned to go down to Earth. When Gabriel was told the news he was ecstatic that he wouldn't have to deal with Aziraphale anymore, he thought Aziraphale as too clingy and just wanted to be rid of him at this point.

Aziraphale wished Gabriel cared more about him, he wished instead of excitement Gabriel would show some sadness that he was leaving. But that never happened. As he was getting ready to start his descent down to Earth he was thinking back on everything he and Gabriel did. He realized it seemed all very bad and not loving what-so-ever. So when he was ready he told Gabriel he wanted to break up and flew down to Earth before Gabriel could try to say anything. He received a flaming sword as soon as he arrived down on Earth.

Aziraphale closes his eyes and breathes in the Earthly air deeply. He sighs in content, everything smells fresh and new since Earth was still relatively new. He smiles slightly, happily going about his day through a forest of trees. Just taking a little stroll to take in every view he could. He looked around and saw a snake slithering by and thought nothing of it, only that it looked simply beautiful in it's natural habitat of the Forest.

When he arrived he had also ran into two people. A man and a woman. They wore leaves to cover up the important bits. The woman had a big belly meaning she was a few months of being pregnant with the first born child of Earth. "Oh uhm.. hello there-", he chuckles awkwardly. He hears a roar behind him a good distance away. "Umm here you go. Flaming sword- Don't thank me.. and don't let the sun go down on you here.", He says looking over his shoulder anxiously from that roar.

He had given the young man his flaming sword. The sword had been given him to guard the gate to the apple tree. So far he seemed to be failing apple tree duty the very second he had gotten down to Earth. Aziraphale wandered a bit more before going on top of the wall that surrounded the Forest, the wall shielded it from the desert outside the barriers.

He watched after the man and woman, whom he found out were named Adam and Eve, running with his flaming sword. He already started regretting it as he watched Adam kill one of the ferocious animals. He grimaced at the sound the animal made as it was slain, so chilling to hear. The snake he had seen earlier slithered up the wall behind him making barely any sound as it climbs, before it morphs into a man. Not a man- a Demon, with beautiful red hair that hung loosely down his back.

When he morphed he was startled back into his surroundings. The demon smiles brightly at Aziraphale. "Oh um hello there", Aziraphale gives him a tiny wave and a quaint smile. The demon's smile slowly disappeared realizing that Aziraphale had no clue who he was. "Hi-..", his head drooped a bit as his eyes shift away from Aziraphale's gaze.

Aziraphale frowns did I say something wrong? Aziraphale is confused for a bit before his face lights up in realization. "Aren't you one of the angels who fell with Lucifer's group?", He asks curiously. The demon only nods at this, his frown deepens at the memory simultaneously. "What was your name again?" He tries remembering but his mind is blank.

"I changed it to Crawley when I became a demon, so you can just call me that.", He answered finally looking up from the ground again. Maybe we could start anew. He's still the same even if he doesn't remember me.. right? "Oh alright, Crawley. Hm what a serpentine kind of name, fitting indeed", he chuckles quietly at the play on words. Crawley chuckles along as well, smiling ever so slightly.

"Oh! Were you the snake I saw in the woods earlier?" Aziraphale asks. Curiosity shines in his eyes. "Why yes I was, I didn't think you saw me. I was trying to be sneaky." Crawley says when he breaks from his stupor of staring at Aziraphale's face. "Oh I apologize for ruining your sneaking about." Aziraphale apologized feeling bad that he had noticed him when he didn't want to be noticed. "Oh, it's alright. It doesn't matter, really.", Crawley brushed it off.

They chatted for a while longer after Aziraphale apologized a few more times before he ended with "No, it wouldn't be funny at all!" Crawley shrugged with a slight jerk to the head "well.." the sound of thunder erupted from the clouds above head. Rain started to pour down on them, the first rainfall to be created on Earth.

Crawley inched a tiny step closer to the Angel. To which the angel obliged to by lifting up his wing closest to Crawley, blocking the rain so that the demon wouldn't get all wet. The demon got closer still, to make sure he wouldn't get wet at all before settling to stand underneath the Angel's wing comfortably.

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