Silence met Bluestar's words.

Yellowfang respectfully looked up at Bluestar and narrowed her eyes. "If you wish, Bluestar, Yellowfang will leave now."

"There's no need." Replied Bluestar. "You have yet to do anything wrong. You will be safe within ThunderClan's camp."

The blue-gray she-cat lifted her eyes to the group of cats that crowded around Yellowfang and meowed, "We must discuss our Clan's real threat: Brokenstar. We have already started preparing for a ShadowClan attack," began Bluestar. "We will continue with the preparations, and warriors will patrol our borders more regularly. WindClan is gone. RiverClan has surrendered. ThunderClan stands against Brokenstar alone."

Defiant murmurs rippled through the felines, and the air prickled with anticipation.

"We're not going to agree with Brokenstar's demands then?" Tigerclaw meowed.

"The Clans have never shared hunting grounds before." Answered Bluestar. "We have always managed to support ourselves within our respective territories. There is no need for this to change now."

Tigerclaw approvingly nodded.

"Can we adequately defend ourselves against ShadowClan should they attack?" Smaller asked in a tremulous voice. "WindClan couldn't! RiverClan won't even attempt!"

Bluestar steadily met his old eyes. "We need to try. We will not give our land up without a fight."

A chant rose up from the cats all around the clearing. "ThunderClan! ThunderClan! ThunderClan!"

The voices died down when Bluestar raised her tail for silence. "Tomorrow, I shall venture to the Moonstone." She announced. "Our warrior ancestors will give me strength, so I may lead ThunderClan through this unpredictable time. All of you must get some rest. We have much to do when daylight comes. Lionheart, I wish to speak with you now." She turned and strode to her den without another word.

Spottedleaf noticed the look of wonder in the emerald eyes of her apprentice at the mention of the Moonstone, padding over to the tom while her clanmates hurried to gather in groups and excitedly meow in hushed voices.

"What is the Moonstone?" Firepaw asked Spottedleaf once she approached.

"It is a grand rock located deep underground that shines upon being struck by the moon's light." Spottedleaf whispered.

Graypaw listened on, eyes sharp with awe.

"All Clan leaders are required to spend one night at the Moonstone when they ascend to the rank. There, the warriors of StarClan share dreams with them."

Firepaw looked disappointed, frowning. "Dreams? That's it?"

Spottedleaf purred with amusement. "It is believed that these dreams are how Clan leaders receive their nine lives and 'star' suffix."

Firepaw's eyes blew wide. "Leaders have nine lives?!"

Spottedleaf nodded.

"That explains Bluestar's comment about her belief that Raggedstar was not on his last life when he died. I was so confused!"

The Beginning Prophecy: Firestarter Where stories live. Discover now