Chapter Four

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"What happens now?" Firepaw's mew broke Spottedleaf out of her thoughts. He was looking up at her expectantly, green eyes wide.

Spottedleaf's mind drew a blank. Her throat went dry and she felt hot underneath her fur. My first task after becoming a mentor again and I'm standing here like a cornered mouse! She wanted to wail. With how nervous she was, it surprised her how she managed to train Stonefur into the respected warrior he was now.

"I was going to show him around camp!" Spottedleaf was more than relieved to hear the fluffy apprentice. "If that's alright with you, Spottedleaf." He added as he paused at Firepaw's flank.

Spottedleaf gratefully swiped her tongue between her kin's ears. "That is a wonderful idea, Graypaw."

Graypaw beamed under the praise.

"I'll show you the apprentices' den first." The gray tom decided.

"You have already seen Highrock." He flicked his tail at the big and smooth rock. "That is where Bluestar addresses the Clan, as you've seen. Her den is below." Graypaw pointed toward a hollow in the side of the stone. "It is said that her den was carved out by a stream many moons ago." Lichen hung over the entrance, acting as a barrier from wind and rain.

Continuing the tour, Graypaw led the way into a thick bush of ferns behind a mossy stump. "All apprentices share fresh-kill by this stump." Graypaw told Firepaw. It was clear he was taking his role as guide seriously.

Spottedleaf touched the tip of her tail to Firepaw's shoulder. "Now that you have your new name, and are an official Clan apprentice, your nest will be moved to the apprentices' den." She mewed.

The night before, the ginger tabby had slept in a makeshift nest outside the apprentices' den. It was almost like Bluestar knew he'd move into the den.

"How many apprentices does ThunderClan have?" Asked Firepaw.

"Just me, you, Ravenpaw, Dustpaw, Sandpaw, Antlerpaw, Leopardpaw, Birdpaw, and Bloompaw. Our ranks are small at the moment." Graypaw responded.

Firepaw's ears pricked. "Small? That seems like a lot of cats!"

"Clans can have upwards of fifty active cats at a time. Considering that we have just over thirty as of right now, it's not a lot."

The trio faced the owner of the voice. It was a small and stocky young tom with a pale gray pelt and ice blue eyes who was approaching the stump from a clump of his Clanmates. His muzzle, chest, paws, and tail-tail were snow-white.

"Hello." Mewed Firepaw.

"I'm Antlerpaw." The white-pawed apprentice introduced.

Firepaw stared at Antlerpaw, looking intrigued. "ThunderClan has thirty cats?" He echoed. "How many do the other Clans have?"

Antlerpaw flicked his tail. "It varies. Cats are born and killed almost everyday."

"Oh." Firepaw turned his attention to Spottedleaf. "Why was I named Firepaw? Why are all the apprentices called whatsit-paw while the others have more distinctive names like Redtail or Tigerclaw?"

Antlerpaw answered before Spottedleaf had even collected her thoughts. "All apprentices have the paw suffix because it symbolizes that our paws are set on a path, whether that be to warriorhood or to become a medicine cat. Warriors and full medicine cats have their full names where they are given a new suffix that corresponds with their appearance or personality. Longtail and Redtail, for example. Both of them have distinctive tails. Tigerclaw, however, has huge claws!" He explained.

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