Chapter Five

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"Ravenpaw!" Graypaw blurted out as his head shot up. "We should check up on him. He must be so lonely in the medicine den."

"Ravenpaw? Isn't that the apprentice who was injured last night?" Firepaw asked, licking his jaws.

Spottedleaf finished her meal and sat up, licking her paw clean. "Correct. Mossfall is a skilled medicine cat and I'm sure he's doing fine." She stood before shaking out her pelt. "Though I think he'll enjoy some company."

She headed for the shady corner where Mossfall had made her den. The strong scent of herbs flooded her senses as she slipped inside, her eyes taking a moment to adjust to the light.

The medicine cat's den was located in a rock at the end of a tunnel of ferns. There was a grassy clearing with a small pool at one edge inside. A tall rock stood at the side, split with a crack.

Ravenpaw lay curled up in a nest of moss, overshadowed by Tigerclaw's large frame. "So, Mossfall." The tabby addressed the medicine cat with a confident meow. "How is Ravenpaw? Can you save him? I've spent a lot of time training him, and I don't want my efforts to be wasted so soon. It was only his first battle."

Mossfall's blue eyes were calm. "Yes, that would be a pity, wouldn't it?"

"Is he going to live?" Demanded Tigerclaw.

"Of course he's going to live. He just needs more rest."

Tigerclaw jabbed the motionless black shape with one of his front claws, snorting. "Get up! You've been resting since last night!"

Ravenpaw didn't stir.

"Antlerpaw wasn't kidding. That claw is huge!" Hissed Firepaw.

Graypaw nodded. "I know I wouldn't like to fight him!"

"Did you not hear what I said?" Mossfall placed her paw over Tigerclaw's lengthy talon and moved it away. "Ravenpaw needs more rest."

Tigerclaw stiffened. He appeared about ready to speak when Mossfall continued. "Do not argue with a medicine cat, Tigerclaw."

Tigerclaw's amber eyes flashed at her words. "I wouldn't dare argue with you, dear Mossfall." He purred.

He turned to leave and caught sight of his kin and Firepaw. "Who is this?" He asked the fluffy apprentice. "He reeks of Twolegs. Is he a kittypet?"

"No, he's the new apprentice." Mewed Graypaw.

"But I was a house cat." Firepaw meowed confidently. "Now I'm training to become a warrior."

Spottedleaf was surprised by Firepaw's bold comment. Tigerclaw, as a warrior, stood taller than the ginger tom, but the dark tabby was unusually large. His shoulders and head were broad, giving him a high level of intimidation, and the scars that parted his fur showed he had seen his fair share of fights. The former kittypet has never been in a real battle; he's never seen what a warrior like Tigerclaw was capable of, Spottedleaf realized.

Tigerclaw's eyes sparked with sudden interest. "Yes, I remember now. Bluestar mentioned stumbling across a stray kittypet. She's actually going to try you out, eh?"

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