decision during visting

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every morning you went to the old mans to see him,
he slept for three days, as his body rested,
you were there every chance you got, and took care of him,

"honey, why would you wast your time with a boy like that? he's no good" asked the old man

"he saved me, twice"
"and i cant watch him die."

"i think theres something else"
he said looking oddly at you

"every time i see you he's there"

"thats how it always it"

to your relief the next day he woke, you were worried if he was ever going to wake up,

he said weakly,
you stooped to his level on the bed and held him. your face buried in his neck and wavy hair,

he held you close in the warm embrace

this was so out of place for him to shop any emotion towards you, you shrugged it off as blood loss

a few more days and he could have the strength to walk
in a month he would be fine

until then Issac attempted to assist me,
but couldn't do much, as his "preaching" took most of the days time
you appreciated his attempts to help but you had assumed Malachi's duties as watchman for the outlanders

Isaac called on you later that week,Malachi was just able to walk then

„my child this is your week"
„what do you mean Isaac?"
„your beloved ceremony my dear"

"Isaac, i don't think im ready for that,"
"i trust that you are my dear, he who walks behind the rows told me, he said you would take to one of five eligible bachelors, you seemed to not even notice three"
who were they issac?
Amos, Gregory, Adam, me and...

"you seem content with the last,
after all i was hopeful you would have chosen me"
"but he who walks behind the rows had not meant it to be"
"oh my apologies Issac, i didn't know"
(you weren't sorry tho)
" tis alright my child, your ceremony will fall next Sunday

a week before the ceremony was to start Malachi was alright, the old man had saved his arm, the bullet went clean through his shoulder, a clean wound, but thankfully all that remains is a row of stitches and temporary soreness

he went back to the house you shared, you were happy to see him back, much more instead of Isaac,
he asked you what felt like a million questions about what happened,
„what Happened to the man? he didn't get away did he??"
„no...i killed him"
"you did?"

he turned to face you now
"im scared"
"what do you have to be scared of?"
my ceremony is this week"

his eyes fell as a new air filled the room,
one of worry and a guiltily feeling,
he turned away from you
"so who is it

you slowly made your way to him, his back turned,
and leaned on his back arms made their way around him, he slightly jumped, at the sudden touch
„not him"

context, a few weeks have passed and you and Malachi have a trip going with the old man to get supplies the next day, you got along with the old man better than anyone, (especially Malachi) who he was very slowly warming up to.

the trip was tomorrow and it had been two months after the accident and you had been in Gatlin for four,

the nights were cool but not cold, i walked out on the porch overlooking the barns and feild, i would come out here to think

i walked out and gazed at the horses, we had several now, i guess dad had turned them all lose as horses and cattle had came from the last thunder storm

it was like that tonight to, rain clouds loomed over head, and the occasional clap of thunder ascended
i heard a creak, i turned to see Malachi walking out , his shirt was missing and scar visible, his suspenders hung loosely on his shoulders.

"what are you doing up, we travel tomorrow"
"oh yes, im just thinking on some things
"do not worry"
he walked over to you and placed an arm comfortingly around you,

this action was out of the ordinary

his POV
the past few days have been stressful, between what happened in the field and her beloved ceremony,
shell probably marry Issac,
she probably likes him anyway,
i know how he feels of her
how he speaks of being here while i was out, it made me so mad to know he stayed in our house,
with her.
i was the one that brought her here, if i had know this i would've let her pass by
if i cant have this why should he?
Damn you Isaac, i LOVE her.

"don't worry, i will make sure nothing happens to you"
"no matter what"

your face turned a different shade of pink, thankfully he couldn't see it in the moonlight
his wavy hair shined a brilliant redish silver
as his eyes joined to yours only a foot away,

his POV
if i don't let her know i will live to regret it,

your POV
if i don't tell him ill mess everything up, he probably likes someone else anyway,

he snaked his arms around you waist and pulled you in, your head resting on his shoulder,

you looked up to meet his gaze
his dark blue eyes met yours and he closed the gap between you his lips on yours.
it was beautiful

he turned his back to you head hung low
"i-im sorry"
" i shouldn't have shown how i felt, i know that Isaac has put a claim on you."

"Malachi, i want you not Issac, i do not love Isaac."

"y-you made your decision already?"
"Malachi, you are the only person i can trust here, that i have trusted in years,
it wasn't a hard decision"

he simply said
„i love you"

Drifter, a Malachi Boardman storyWhere stories live. Discover now