7. New Opportunities

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Lucy didn't want to let it slip to Nyla that her and Tim were dating now. It had only been a few dates, and they were great, but she worried that her agent wouldn't approve. Besides, they had agreed to keep this a secret from their agents and the studio.

"Lucy, I gotta make this quick. I have another meeting in an hour, and traffic is insane," Nyla began and sat down at the coffee shop table to join Lucy.

"Okay, what's going on?" Lucy questioned.

"I was approached by two different projects. Both movies want you to audition for their leading lady."


"I like the script on the top better for you, but here is what they've given me," Nyla presented a few pieces of paper to her client.

"This is incredible! I'm excited."

"If you're happy, I'm happy. Let me know which one you want to read for, and I'll get you the audition details.


"Did you do something to your hair?"

"No," Lucy blurted out and smoothed back how it was tied up in a pony tail.

"Different makeup?"


"Something's different about you. I can tell." Nyla narrowed her eyes.

"Nothing's different."

"I'm always right about these things, but whatever, I have to go. Keep me posted on these auditions."

"I will. Thanks, Nyla."

"Mhm," Nyla hummed and left Lucy alone to pour over the scripts.

Her phone chimed, signaling it was time to head to set, and she was excited to tell Tim about the conversation with her agent.

Once on set, she immediately knocked on his trailer door. Tim opened the door with a soft smile. With one hand, he quickly pulled her inside and the other shut the door behind them. In an instant, he pushed her against the wall and started kissing her neck. He sucked and nipped right above her neck tattoo where she LOVED to be kissed. Shutting her eyes, she let out a small moan and temporarily forgot which way was up.

Hopefully, before leaving a mark, his mouth traveled up her throat, along her jawline, and paused right before her lips. "I missed you," he whispered.

Lucy chuckled a little. "You saw me yesterday."

"I know."

She opened her eyes to see the softness in his. He really did miss her. It was so sweet. But, she couldn't think about it too long, because he started kissing her hungrily.

As much as she liked being pinned down, she bit his lip hard enough to distract him momentarily, so that she could twist around and shove his back against the wall. He was smiling while he continued to kiss her, and she could tell.

Reaching for the hem of his shirt, he knew she wanted to take it off, and he helped.

Tim didn't want to make Lucy uncomfortable, so he never tried to take off her clothes. Every make out session over the last few weeks, she remained fully clothed; not that he minded. He didn't want to pressure her.

There was a banging on the trailer door that caused them to spring apart. "Tim? If you're in there, we need you in wardrobe in 5," a PA said.

With a guilty smile, Lucy examined Tim's abs and said, "Guess we got a little distracted."

"You came to MY trailer," he pointed out with a grin and bent down to pick up the discarded shirt.

"To TALK."

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