Little girl or little boy?

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8th week

In such a short time I can look in the mirror and see the changes in my body. My breasts, previously small, have already started to swell and I can notice a small rise in my abdomen, which I touch every time in the shower still in disbelief that all this is happening.
Yes, our son is definitely starting to grow. As this happens, I think more and more about how tremendously scary it is. In less than 8 months a little creature will be joining our home and we will form a family.
It is strange to even say this, but to think that for a moment I didn't want him makes me feel like the worst person, because I just know that even though I don't know him yet, I love him so much that my heart feels like it could explode at any moment.
Shaun says that we will be fine, that we have each other, and I like to believe him.
My parents, who were surprised at the news and asked us so many questions, have now assumed the position of overprotective grandparents with great potential to ruin a child's upbringing. Mom keeps sending pictures of the safest cribs and strollers available, according to her research.
Clothes with dinosaurs and animals have been bought, even though we don't even know the sex of the baby yet.
We will only do the fetal sex test tomorrow, mom. Yes, you'll know as soon as we do too. No, mom. I don't see a problem with girls wearing dinosaur prints. Shaun loves dinosaurs, I'm sure he agrees with me.
And so now I get several calls a day from my mother. Always excited and with millions of questions and suggestions on what to do and buy for the baby.
But without a doubt, the person who surprises me most is Glassy, the first person we tell about the decision to go ahead with the pregnancy. At first he showed restrained emotion, congratulated us and said he would support us in the best way he could.
"I'm proud of you, Shaun. That was brave of you both. It won't be easy, but I'm sure you'll have a happy family."

"Thank you, Grandpa Glassy. I teased him."

Unexpectedly, Glassy stared at me with watery eyes and suddenly pulled Shaun and me into a hug.
Since then, Glassy has been very considerate of me. Stopping by my office sometime during the day to ask how I am doing, if I need anything or want to leave early. Shaun is thrilled, he has in Glassy the father figure he wants to pass on to our son. And as for the beauty of it, there is no further discussion.
Shaun starts to methodically write everything down in his endless lists The daily blood pressure check, the appointments, the measurements, the vitamin schedule. Fast foods are off the menu indefinitely, because this way we avoid the risks of diabetes and gestational obesity.
It's all part of a bubble of extreme care created by Shaun, so much so that sometimes it suffocates me.
I guess our friends are also a supportive home for every day. Claire jumped up and down congratulating us and thanking us for the nephew who would get one.
To see the happiness in the eyes of each of them makes me more and more ecstatic.
The first baby of the group will arrive soon and it thrills me to know that he is already so loved.

"Have you been feeling nauseous again, any pain or anything that you find different?"

"The morning sickness has reduced, I only had one last week."

"Lea hasn't been sleeping well, she moved several times during the night."
Shaun hurried to tell her.

"Yeah, it hasn't been an easy night. I get heartburn and have been having some nightmares."
I confessed a little fearfully.

"Probably because of the hormonal changes your body is going through. You may still experience a little more of this discomfort in the next few weeks, but it tends to go away. But I will prescribe something to control the symptoms, I also advise you to exercise, especially outdoors, to relax and also activate vitamin D which will be an important ally in your sleep quality."

"Exercise with caution," Shaun added, "Light exercise is beneficial to both mother and baby, but caution must be exercised with the type and consistency."

Shaun And Lea: Made for each otherWhere stories live. Discover now