Part 4: One more first time

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Shaun Murphy, my hero

Claire dropped me off at home. I said goodbye to Shaun, we promised to talk on the phone later and arranged to go together to Melendez's wake.
Upon entering my room I was in the mood for one more shower, but a long and dignified one. I threw myself on the bed and quickly fell asleep.

I dreamed that I was back in the hallway of the brewery. The floor shook and a hole began to open up, but this time I didn't reach the bottom of it. As the boards broke and my feet gave way I felt the touch of a hand gripping mine firmly and pulling me up. Sitting on the surface, safe, I looked around to thank the hero who had saved my life. I found Shaun emanating the blue glow of his eyes. In yet another act of chivalry he reached out and helped me stand in front of him. Smiling as I faced him, I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"You make me more Shaun Murphy."
I kissed him as I did the morning of that day.

Boyfriend and girlfriend

I slept heavily. I woke slowly as I heard faint, distant noises. The sounds grew louder and louder until I realized that they were coming from my cell phone. I rolled over in bed to reach the phone on top of the dresser. It was Shaun. Reading his name on the call screen made me smile.

"Hi, Shaun. Are you okay? Did you get some rest?"__ He looked relaxed, his face slightly crumpled, and I concluded that he had spent the last few hours sleeping.

"Yes, Lea. I took the time to sleep. Did you too? It seems so, his face is marked.

"Yes, I slept a lot, it felt like I hadn't slept in years. I only woke up now with your call. But, Shaun, on a different subject. I'm going to take a cab to the parking lot to get my car and then I'll come by and pick you up. Is that okay?"

"Lea. But why are you driving? I still don't consider it completely safe, you've just had an accident, you might feel dizzy or have blurred vision. We can take a cab to the hospital together, and we'll pick up your car early tomorrow morning."__ he emphasized.

He was sitting at the kitchen counter peeling apples, his cell phone resting on something. The amazing ability to concentrate on two activities at the same time.
I sighed at witnessing yet another proof of caring coming from Shaun.

"Shaun, I'm fine now. We did the tests and they proved it. And besides, if I leave it until tomorrow, I run the risk of being late for work and getting a ticket if the police find out I'm not up to date with my car insurance.

"Yeah, thinking about it that way, you're right. But you also need to get your car insured. I won't think it's cool if my girlfriend gets in trouble with the law."

I laughed at his frank suggestion and felt a slight tickle in my stomach when I heard him use girlfriend to refer to me.

"You're right boyfriend, I'll fix it. I promise."

The sentence struck Shaun and made him stop the apple in his hand and wiggle in his chair. Remarkably happy he stared at the screen. He paused before speaking, excitedly.

"Yes, I am your boyfriend so we can work it out together." He shook his head, smiling.

"Okay, we'll work it out. I'll be there in an hour. Until..."

"Ah, Lea"__ he called out ahead of himself.

"Hi Shaun."

"Do you want to have dinner here at the house with me tomorrow? I can make a pasta recipe I learned on the internet."

"Yes, I do. I'd love to, Shaun."

Dinner for two, at the house where I lived with my former roommate who is now my boyfriend. Things had changed, but the idea brought me the feeling that everything was back to the way it used to be. As it should be. Nothing could be more perfect.

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