Chapter 3: Love or Hate You?

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"Good morning Mr. Gomez!!"

"Did you sleep well?" Mother asks with a slight smirk. This must have been due to the fact her and my father believe Enid and I are romantically involved, which we aren't.


"Amazing!! Best nights sleep I've ever gotten if I'm being honest. Your home is oddly calming and comforting!" Enid looks over at me with a smile. Damnit.

"Wednesday, dear, are you alright? Your face is oddly red."

I look my mother in the eyes making sure she knew to shut her mouth. Whatever she thinks is happening between Sinclair and I will never happen. I think...I'm not quite sure. Maybe I have been miss reading these 'feelings' and signals. I'm being ridiculous.

"I'm fine mother. I just need to eat is all."

"Okay. If you say so dear."

She glances over at my father and smirks once more. This is getting on my nerves which is odd. Things usually don't bother me so why does the fact my parents thinking Sinclair and I dating bother me so much? Am I in denial? Is it because it's making me think about my sexual orientation? Im not quite sure anymore. I don't like this feeling.

We finish eating in about 30 minutes. Enid ate so much food seeing she is a werewolf and all. My parents were quite impressed with her appetite as was I.

"Sinclair, I'd like to show you around and maybe I can show you how to shoot a bow and arrow if you would like."

Her eyes light up. The wolf always gets so excited at my words. Why could this be?

"YES!!! That sounds like so much fun!! Let me go get dressed and then we can go!" She says jumping up from her seat and running up the stairs.

"Your roommate has so much energy. I'm surprised you haven't killed her yet." My mother mocks.

"Indeed she does, but she puts up with me unlike the others so I put up with her. It's out of mutual respect mother."

"Mhm...If you say so dear."

I get up from my seat and head upstairs as well. When I reach the top floor I head towards Enid's room to tell her to dress rather warm seeing it is below 30 degrees right now. My hand twists the handle to reveal Sinclair in her bra and pants. It was quite a shock. My eyes wondered down to her abdomen where she had...abs?? Yet another shock to me. This girl was just full of surprises.

"'re kinda staring..." Enid says not sure how to act.

"Sorry- Um I just wanted to say dress warm because it is below 30 outside. Sorry again for staring that wasn't my intention."

Why couldn't I look away from her? I could tell I made her a bit confused and maybe a bit uncomfortable. The thought of making Sinclair uncomfortable brings me guilt. Something I hardly ever feel. What is she doing to me??

I go to my room to get dressed. My outfit needs to be warm but functional and of course no color unlike Sinclair.

I finish getting dressed and head back downstairs where I assume Enid went seeing I can hear her laughing with my father from up here. She was rather loud but I've grown to not mind it and maybe even look forward to it.

"Are you ready to go Sinclair?"

"Yuppp!!" She says smiling like a maniac. Her smile suits her well.

I lead the wolf out of the house and towards the archery stands. I wanted to get away from my parents and be with Enid alone. They would just suffocate us if we stayed inside.

We walk towards the first target. I grab my bow and a arrow from the shed. I take my stance in front of the target and prepare to release the arrow.

My fingers pull back the bowstring just the right amount. Not to little and not to much. If want a bullseye I must have the perfect amount of pressure behind the arrow. I let the bowstring slip through my fingertips allowing for the arrow to glide through the air and strike the center of the target.

"Woah Wens!! That was incredible! The only target I can hit is the shop! You are incredible!" She squeals.

I chuckle a bit at her target comment. Most likely she was being serious with her joke seeing she's never even held a bow before.

"Thank you Sinclair. Come here. I want to show you how to do it."

The girl eagerly walks over to me and takes the bow in her hand. I show her where to stand. She looks at me looking for my approval on her stance. Of course it's all wrong. I get behind her and adjust her body accordingly.

My hand makes contact with her lower left leg. The blood in my body starts rushing once more. Then I fixed her right leg causing the blood to rush even faster. I can feel my heartbeat quicken in my chest. My body presses up against hers as I stand straight up. I move her arms into position and place my hand over her hand on the bow to make sure she has a proper grip on the bow. One wrong move and she could be injured.

" this?" Enid asks kind of nervously.

"Yes, precisely." I say into her ear.

I feel her heartbeat quicken just like mine. This is very confusing. Maybe I should ask my metal soul sucking death contraption for help when we go back inside.

She releases her grip on the bow string allowing for the arrow to glide through the sky. Bullseye.

"OMG WENS I DID IT!!" She screamed as she turned around bringing me in for a hug. I liked this. Maybe I do like Enid in the way my mother and father think.

"Good job Enid." I say embracing the hug.

The smell of vanilla and flowers seeps into my nose making me lean into the hug further. I could get used to this if I'm being honest with myself. Truly, I never thought I would have these types of feelings for anyone but yet here I am.

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