Episode 4: First day

Start from the beginning

Y/N: and I'm suppose to believe that how? I don't know if you realized, but I have killed hundreds of people before, I'm a lost cause and can't be changed, you really expect me to believe that your willing to help a killer? And not it's just some scheme to get you, your school and your entire staff popularity up for changing a criminals ways...a very infamous criminal to be exact.

Nezu: we aren't doing that at all.

Y/N: and once again I ask...I'm suppose to believe that how? Tch, your just wasting my time, I have to be in school right now, thanks for the talk poler bear midget (Y/N said, walking passed nezu as he tried to walk away)

Nezu: that's mean. Oh teenagers, such difficult creatures to communicate with (nezu sait to himself, he quickly called out Y/N before he could get far) Y/N I am not one to make threats, but I hope you do remember that if you do disobey what I say. (Nezu said, making Y/N stop in his tracks)

Y/N turned his head, looking at nezu straight in the eyes. The boy growled abit under his breath as nezu still had his calm smile, not intimidated at all by the boy as he walked up to him.

Nezu: L/N, I am very aware about your little anger problems and refusal to be around others, believe me, graydon and I talked abit. But because of that that doesn't mean you can do whatever you want in the school, we have a job to look after you and make sure you learn your lesson and if we must resort to harsh punishments then so beat it.

Y/N turned around, looking down at nezu quietly. The two stared at each other for a while, not saying a word as they were kept in a quiet pause. It took Y/N for a few seconds to speak to the small furry creature, not trying to talk back anymore since nezu did remind him he doas have to listen to him.

Y/N: err fine...you can walk with me to school. Atleast it's better then any other teacher at that school (Y/N growled, nezu smiled happily at this, finally getting Y/N to walk with him)

Nezu: that's terrific, good to know your not that stubborn.

Y/N: yeah whatever, just try to keep up ok, I don't wanna be late for school so I'm not gonna stop for you.

Nezu: that's alright, but believe me we shall be walking at thesame pace because (nezu paused, reaching his paw out to Y/N) you will be holding my paw for the rest of the walk.

Y/N: what? (Y/N looked at nezu confused and disgusted)

Nezu: you will be holding my paw.

Y/N: why!?

Nezu: well it's my job to keep an eye on you and since your outside of school and your home, I have to keep you close, you might get lost or run off somewhere else.

Y/N: I'm not a child nezu, I can walk to school very well and I am very capable of getting there without causing trouble, I literally got there on my own before.

Nezu: maybe, but we can't take any risks now, I'll escort you today and I'll see if I can trust you to go alone tomorrow, deal? (Nezu asked, looking up at Y/N like some parent negotiating with his child as Y/N looked away growling)

Y/N: yeah, deal. (Y/N growled, grabbing nezu's hand and squeezed it gently, feeling how soft it was)

Nezu: good, now then let's walk there, don't wanna be late now would we? (Nezu said, the two left as they began to had there way to U.A)

The two walked threw the streets, the crossed afew roads, past some buildings and walked past afew people who looked at them funny. They looked at them in awe, seeing how adorable they looked as they thought nezu was some father walking his child somewhere well others who knew the small animal looked at him confused at why he would be walking a random kid somewhere, but they admitted it was still adorable.

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