Chapter 2

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Past Time

I cant live a life without hot Cheetos. I simply cant. and why would you want to. "Its like dry heaving ghost peppers" Mia spits into a napkin. Jesse shakes his disagreeing as he holds an arm around my waist and grabs a handful of my hot Cheetos. "Its all in your head " Mia clenches her jaw wincing at the left over spice she grabs another one. "1" i mumbled counting her down. a puff of red fly's off my lips i try to ignore it. "2...3" She shoves it in her mouth and clenches her jaw shutting her eyes tight. "TaKE iT LiKE a sHOt MIa!" I roared.

She opened her eyes tears sprung loose she smiled big breathing through her nose. "OK, now i kind of want another." She admitted wiping her eyes leon quickly pushed her hands out her face "Woah what you doin girl! here" He gave her a wet rag to wipe off the spice. I feel Jesse's hand slowly crawl to mine letting out a laugh

Just then Dom walks in with Letty. "So this is what were doin now" He smiles taking a chip he eats it slowly savoring this taste i glare at him waiting for him to say it. He's quiet for a second deep in thought "Yeah this got nothin on Takis." He concluded laughing i frowned letting out a whiny groan. "You no what no " I stopped him playfully shaking my head. He chuckles ruffling my curls. "Did you eat lunch already?" I shook my head slowly. "cmon lets go get some grub" he nods toward the door. I reluctantly let go of Jesse and follow my brother out the door.

The ride was silent at first. Just the sound of the wind mixed with my terrible singing as i wildly waved my hands round. After a while Dom turned the radio down "Valerie, You know you can talk to me right?" I look take a look at his "Of course" I say quietly at last. He sighed rubbing his head "Rosie I know we don't hang out a lot anymore I know I scare you when i go racing of into the night sometimes, but i'm here." he stares at me. "I'm here and i'm not going anywhere" He says my face blanks as i'm met with the day he went to Juvie.

I'm 9 years old turning 10 tomorrow. I hug my Brow bear for dear life as Dom starts to swing on the man. I see blood and i scream for help but no one comes and as i yell for Dom to stop he doesn't listen its like he cant hear me. I drop my bear in the mud and run to hug him behind the back. "Please stop!" I yell Im Shoved back into the dirt aggressively I push the dirt and blood of my newly scraped knees. Standing up ignoring the stinging throb i feel in my knees I run right back up to him and hug him tighter. Dom's Muscles tighten he freezes looking at the mans bloody bruised face.

Suddenly im being pulled off of hid back and Dom is being held against the floor face turned to me i see tears spill from his face. Mia is there in a second picking me up and kissing my hands wiping my knees with her hand. Dom was yanked up cuffs on his wrists in an instant.

A couple hours later we were at home Mia ran a hand through her hair stressed. "Dom has to go away for a little bit." She tried to explain. I gritted my teeth. "I HATE THEM! I HATE THEM ALL!" I screamed at the top of my lungs mia grabbed her ears wincing. "I HATE THOSE MEAN GUYS FOR TAKING DOM I HATE DOM FOR HITTING THAT GUY I HATE THAT GUY FOR KILLING DAD! AND I HATE DAD TO! I HATE HIM FOR DYING AND LEAVING US ALL ALONE!" I screamed mia's went wide tears fell from her eyes she quickly pulled me into a hug roughly shushing me soothing my hair. "No.No No No Rosie, never say that. Daddy loved you baby." My body stops shaking with rage i start to cry into her shoulder. "Then why;d he leave us?" I asked. Mia looked at me an expression unreadable no words came out her mouth. "I cant explain it to you right now, but i promise it'll make sense later." She hugged me again tightly. I thought about my sister 13 years old going to handle me school bills all by herself.

Im zapped out of the shaky memory. "I love you so much Val." I say nothing he turns the radio up.

Present Time

My heart is racing the rush i feel coursing through my veins should be enough to put me in a coma. Im running for my life my feet thud against the rooftops I stop to secure belt holding the chip in its pouch. "Come on ill catch you."I say looking down at the distance between the 2 buildings.

I brace myself for a jump but Letty grabs my arm. "Thats so far." She whispers her voice slightly shaky. My lips pull downward in a frown. In 2 seconds there's gunshots. We both duck down holding onto each other. "We have to jump." I yell over the shots. "We have to jump or we'll die" I panic. She nods quickly I get a running start and jump.

I look back up to letty who hesitates. She gives me a look. Holding a hand to my heart i breath deeply trying not to give into the panic attack starting. "Just fucking jump!" I shriek in terror she jumps and at once she's flying and then shes falling. I shoot my arm out to her "Im sorry val-" She grunts gripping the wall. I groan pulling her over the roof toward me Panting and out of breath i stumble back. A bullet grazes my shoulder.

I let out a small ow and were running again this time we take the drainpipe down the building and hop into the car below. "Got the chip " I breath heavily as we zoom through the ally. "Good" Says Owen eyeing Letty. I turn to see her staring at me when i look back up Owens facing forward. "Your bleeding." He hisses holding my hand. I swallowed comforted I lean back closing my eyes. "Just a bullet graze" I whisper softly. His hand moves to my chest. "Sit back and keep your eyes open" He yelled Letty bit her lip. I turn in my seat. " Hey, Were OK,Its OK" She nods once.

* * *

Owen secures the bandage on my arm once more before kissing my forehead. I close my eyes savoring the sweet moment. He holds my face in one hand trailing his lips over my jaw to my ear. "You look tired" He whispered. "I am" I whisper back he kisses my hand helping me off the table.

"Alright guys good work tonight. We ran into a few complications but nothing we couldn't handle. Now we've got the chip all were missing is a password and access code." Everyone gathers around the table together. "Cars are running good we could do it tomorrow " Ivory suggests wiping grease of his hands with a cloth.

"Denlinger , Adolfson Your our escape plan without you this doesn't work you need to be on the left tower no earlier or later than 9:50." They nod Owen looks to Ivory and Jah. "You too must hack the security camera, I want a 10 minute window Klaus protect Vegh i need her to steal a security car so Valerie can get in" My brows furrow.

"I can just crawl through the vent" I laugh lightly. "Not with your arm like that" His words seem final I wont argue with him in front of everyone. "What about letty?" He clenches his jaw looking her in the eye. "Letty gets a lesson in teamwork." I can see the anger and embarrassment radiating off of her. "D-" "Everyone else get some rest Letty and I need to talk" I cut her off. She stared at the wall not saying anything. Owen was last to leave Kissing my knuckles lightly. "Come to bed" He whispers leaving a shiver down my spine.

"Why?" She spreads her arms a betrayed look on her face. I cant look in her eyes. I no longer could. Not anymore. "Yes i do have a habit of loving the assholes dont I?" I laugh humorlessly. "How could you stand sleeping next to a monster?" She snarled. 

"You seem perfectly content in your little life traveling around the world money always flowing. Your so quick to judge me and yet you still reap the benefits." I look up facing her. "You know thats not what I meant. You deserve better Valerie. A normal happy fulfilling life not always on the run with this-. "

"Run away with me." She concludes. I frown opening my mouth to speak but she beat me to it. "Your the only family I have, you protected me when no one else did and you've always been here for me.PLEASE" I take her hands in mine squeezing lightly. "I would do anything for you. but we cant leave"

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