"Yeah," Lena said, quiet for a moment as she allowed her body to feel the pulse of the bass. She watched him for a few moments longer, contemplating the way he was avoiding her gaze. Finally she turned away and ordered a round of shots.

"I propose a toast to successfully not murdering each other today," Lena said, offering him the small glass.

"Darling, I've been trying to convince you I wouldn't hurt you for weeks."

"Well, you did give me this nasty bruise to add to my collection," Lena said gesturing.

Bucky looked away, uncomfortable, "Sorry."

"Make it up to me," she said, picking up his right hand and setting the shot in it.

"Why are you always trying to get me drunk?"

"I'm not. I'm trying to get me drunk."

"That seems like awfully unhealthy behavior," Bucky said as he downed the first shot, followed by the second Lena had left sitting on the bar for him. His features twisted at the bitterness.

"You know nothing of unhealthy drinking Sergeant Barnes. You got to be in cryo for part of the past half-century. I had to live it."

"I see," Bucky said, returning his gaze to the crowd.

The pair watched the crowd, Bucky scanning for threats, Lena pointing out the most eccentric characters and assigning them names and backstories. Finally, Bucky returned his attention to her, and said "I think I can still out drink you."

"I don't think that's true."

"Is it now?" he laughed.

"Another round?"

Lena grinned mischievously and signaled the bartender. "Another couple rounds please?"

"A couple?"

"We're compensating for not being able to get drunk, remember?" Lena shrugged.

" I don't think-"

"Oh, I'm certainly not doing any thinking."

Bucky shook his head but accepted the drink.

"I am going to be so tired tomorrow," Lena said.

"We can go if you want," Bucky said.

"Nah, it's just the way my body metabolizes alcohol or drugs. Fast but exhaustingly."

Bucky squinted at her, "Why do I get the feeling you were a stoner?"

"A stoner is ah, a mild term - I lived through the seventies. What do you think?"

"I think you're tipsy."

"Maybe I am, but certainly not the most I've ever been."


"Let's just say I spent a lot of time with Freddie Mercury and his elaborate parties."

"Freddie Mercury?"

"You don't know who Freddie Mercury is?" Lena deadpanned.


"Jesus Christ," Lena shook her head, "Queen? The band?"
Bucky shook his head.

"Wow, okay old man, when we get off this stupid island, the first thing we're doing is listening to some Queen."

"Queen?" Sam echoed, suddenly appearing at Lena's elbow.

"Yes Queen, the band. Sergeant Barnes here hasn't listened to them."

"Why do I get the impression that you're intoxicated?" Sam said.

"Maybe I am."

"I thought that wasn't possible," Sam said, looking at Bucky.

"Oh it certainly is. Well for me. I just have to try really hard," Lena shrugged.

"And you?" Sam said, nodding to Bucky

"I think that our bodies metabolize illicit substances differently."

"Illicit substances," Lena laughed, "what are you? A dictionary?"

Sam shook his head, "Well at least you aren't arguing anymore. But seriously, I leave the supersoldiers unattended for an hour and they turn up drunk-"

"I would have to try a LOT harder to be drunk , Sam. Like really hard," Lena said.

"I guess that's good to know?" Sam said, his voice lifting at the end, turning it into a question. After a moment he shook his head, "I'll see you later. Don't subtract from the population."

"Or add to it," Zemo said, appearing out of nowhere.

Lena snorted, refusing to give Zemo the satisfaction of seeing her blush, "Don't worry, HYDRA made sure that wouldn't ever be a problem for me."

Bucky briefly looked like he'd swallowed a lemon before his face changed, seeing the gravity in what she had said.

Sam frowned, his face contorting with a look of pity that made Lena instantly regret what she'd said, "Come on Zemo, time to go."

"You know," Zemo said, "if anyone needs a babysitter, it's really the two inebriated supersoldiers. Not me."

"I'm not saying you're wrong," Sam replied, "But I'm still charging myself with babysitting the war criminal."

"And you also know they're both war criminals too?" Zemo deadpanned.

"Yes, ones that have been pardoned on account of brainwashing," Lena said, her voice now barely loud enough to be heard above the pulsing music, "I should have died a long time ago Zemo. And I wish I had."

Bucky looked sad as Sam all but dragged Zemo away, "Do you really still believe that? Even now?"

"I used to, Lena sighed, "but I'm not so sure anymore."

"What do you mean?"

"When I came back from the Blip, the world was just as confused as I was. For once. And I've been rebuilding my life along with everyone, so I don't feel so alone in doing it."

Bucky looked like he was pondering this, his eyes focused on something Lena couldn't see.

"And Shuri got rid of my 'being brainwashed' issue."

Bucky nodded affirmatively.

"And I have you," she said, elbowing him.

He blushed and Lena grinned. He was silent for a few moments longer.

"Would it be fair to ask you to dance to this God-awful music?" Bucky said as he stepped back and offered a gloved hand.

"I would be delighted, Sergeant," Lena smiled, slipping into German.

And so they danced a slow revolution through the throngs of people. A mashup of something Lena vaguely recognized as "Wild Ones" by Flo Rida pulsed through the room, exactly the opposite of something good for slow dancing.

"Show you another side of me, a side you would never thought you would see" the song said, and Lena couldn't agree more: the previous time in such close contact with this man had been her dance with death.

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