6. The MET

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Lena woke clear headed and lacking memory of what plagued her the night before. As with previous "bad mental health days,", they seemed silly and inconsequential the next morning. She knew she was getting better, that moving forward did not have to be noticeable, nor did it have to even feel like she was moving forward at all, but she was, even just by continuing to exist.

She examined her reflection after prepping for the day, unsure what exactly one wore to a world renowned art museum. Likely to be heavily air conditioned she selected her favorite oversized blazer drown over a bottle green turtleneck and jeans. Perhaps a little too casual she added a long pendant with jagged copper edges a chose a pair of loafers that she thought made her look far more pretentious than she actually was.

Hoping it would not rain on any part of their expedition, she hurried to leave in time to walk to her coffee shop where she was to meet Bucky. Her watch informed her that she was perfectly on time, with minutes to spare even, but upon arrival spotted Bucky leaning against the exterior of the old brick building, two coffees in hand.

"Here you are, half-sweet vanilla latte," he said..

Lena grinned, accepting the steaming drink and inhaling deeply, "Thank you Bucky, you didn't have to."

"I know, but we have a long day of museum touring ahead of us, so I thought we should be fully caffeinated.

"Oh you're drinking coffee too?" Lena said laughing, wishing that caffeine had any effect on her.

"Yes. It doesn't really affect me at all, but I thought I'd give this place a try, since you said it was so good."


"Not bad," he said, sipping his drink and haphazardly hailing a cab, "not perfect, but I'm definitely open to it."

"Okay," Lena said, shrugging as she ducked into the cab. He slid in after her, issuing directions to the driver.

"I could have met you there closer," Lena started.

"Yes, but that would take some of the fun out of it, ya know?"

"Taxi rides are fun now?"


"Are you sure you're from New York?" Lena said, squinting at him.

Bucky rolled his eyes and they lapsed into casual banter. By the time they hit the Midtown Tunnel Lena again felt the easy ebb and flow of a friendship forming, evolving into existence. Yet she was still surprised how easy he was to talk to, how despite all the important details of her life that she left out, she could be honest and construct a realistic depiction of herself, one that felt authentic.

The taxi dropped a block from museum and Bucky led the way, but not towards the main entrance as Lena expected.

"Are we too pretentious of art critics today to enter through the main doors?"

Bucky gave her a half smile, "I made us a reservation so we could avoid the main tourists- and security," he said as if it was of high annoyance to him.

Lena shrugged, unbothered by his strange behavior. Everyone has their things, I guess his is just metal detectors.

Upon entering the museum from the side entrance they were greeted by an exuberant attendant who greeted Bucky by name.

"Are you a regular?" Lena asked when he made a face about being addressed formally.

"When I first came back to New York I spent a lot of time visiting places like the Met, the Transit Museum - places that didn't change with the Blip."

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