Kazuha POV

Its perfect all those close to him are loosing home. Once they believe he is dead I don't have to worry about them looking for him anymore only then he truly is mine. 


I snuck up behind the guy and locked my arms around his neck and begun to squeeze tightly as he begun to struggle. 

Y/n: Just stop moving. Quiet now...

Man: Let...go...

Y/n: Shh~ Come on now. 

I quickly twisted my arms and heard a click as the man stopped moving. I laid his body down on the floor and then snuck up the stairs.

Kazuha POV

Teacher: Eunha would you like a minute outside to calm down? 

SinB: Can I take her outside please? 

Teacher: Go ahead.

How perfect that's one that has lost hope or at least is on the edge. 

Karina POV

She looks too smug Kazuha knows something. I just need to find out what but I know Y/n is alive all thanks to your stupid smirk.


I managed to sneak upstairs I had spotted a few guards walking around the place each of them had a gun I knew I had to sneak out or find someway to get a weapon myself. I made my way to the front door but of course it was locked. 

Guard: Hey! You get back downstairs! Come with me now! 

I looked at the guard and raised my hands up as he came closer. Once he was in my reach I quickly swung my arm and knocked his arm to the side as he fired a bullet into the floor. I hit him in the head knocking him back before I tackled him to the floor as he dropped his gun. The guard then hit me in the face before I managed to kill him. 

Y/n: *Pant Pant* Fuck this...

I turned around and grabbed the gun off the floor before heading upstairs. I checked how many bullets were loaded in the clip and found there were eleven shots. Once upstairs I found another guard cautiously walking down the hallway with his gun drawn facing away from me. I snuck up behind him and wrapped my arm around his neck before quickly firing two shots through his back as his body went limp. I dropped his body to the floor and kept looking for a way out...

Karina POV

Karina: KAZUHA! 

Kazuha: What do you want? 

Karina: You know something about Y/n don't you. 

Kazuha: I don't know what you are on about. 

Karina: You did something to him you bitch.

Kazuha: Maybe I did. But it doesn't matter he belongs to me after all. 

Karina: He doesn't belong to you.

Kazuha: Really? That's why my baby is safe inside one of my houses.


Fuck guns are loud. 

Guard: Y/n put the gun down and come out we wont shoot. 

I quickly peeked around the corner and saw two of them going wide hugging either side of the bedroom I was in trying to get me into a crossfire. I quickly fired at the left guard and hit him in the left side of his chest knocking him down. 

Guard 2: Fuck! Y/n last warning! 

I quickly rose from behind the bed and tried to fire a shot only for the gun to make a click. 

Guard 2: You are out of bullets now surrender!

I threw the gun straight at him making him move his arm in front of his eyes to block it which gave me enough time to get over to him and sweep his legs out from under him. Once he was on the floor I stamped on his head a few times until the guard didn't move. I quickly ran out of the room as I spotted a group of guards come down the far end of the corridor. These ones seemed more fed up with my previous actions as they instantly shot in my direction. I was lucky enough to not get hit as I moved into the last room I had to check. I immediately tried the door to the bedrooms balcony and luckily it was unlocked I climbed out over the balcony and begun to climb down to the grass outside using the drainage pipe as my guide to get me down. I managed to make my way down just as the group of guards bust open the door to the balcony. I ran straight to the treeline near the house and right as I was about to make it a searing pain shot straight through my right shoulder. Despite the impact I managed to keep balance as I ran deep into the forest. 

Karina POV

Karina: Eunbi! 

Eunbi: What is it Karina? 

Karina: I know what happened to Y/n! 

Chaeyeon: You know? What happened to him! 

Karina: Kazuha took him. I don't know where but she told me she has him. 

Eunbi: Shit...


Hours of running blood dripping down my back and finally I saw the city. I recognised it I knew my way home from here.

Y/n: Just a little more...

It took a few more hours until I saw the private driveway leading up to my house. 

Y/n: Guards! Anyone! 

A light came from the top of the driveway signalling someone had heard me.

Guard: Miss Eunha where are you- 

Eunha: Y/N! 

While I struggled to climb the hill Eunha had reached me and hugged me tightly. 

Eunha: Your backs wet. Are you ok? 

Y/n: I got shot Eunha that's my blood...

Umji: Lets get you inside come on. 

She took my left arm and wrapped it over her shoulder as she helped me up the hill while Eunha nervously walked on my right side scared to touch me. Upon entering the house I was laid on the sofa by Umji as SinB came out of her room and upon seeing me ran to the kitchen and returned with a first aid kit. 

SinB: Im gonna cut your shirt off Y/n.

Y/n: OK...please be quick I-I think the adrenalines going...

SinB: Alright. Umji call Eunbi and tell her. Now! 

Umji: On it! 

I heard Eunha begin to cry once she saw how covered in blood my back was.

SinB: Shit this looks bad. Don't move I'm gonna call one of your doctors.

Y/n: Ok...Ow...

Eunha: Are you ok? Do you need me to get you something? 

Umji: She's on her way back! 

SinB: Good the doctors on his way as well! 

Y/n: Fuck!

Eunha gave me her hand to hold while I began to struggle with the pain. 

Eunha: Why? why did you get shot! 

Y/n: Sorry Eunha but it wasn't exactly part of the plan. 

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