Chapter 1

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Namjoon: Yo Y/n! I need you to do something for me!

Y/n: What up boss? 

Namjoon: That girl in your year what's she called? 

Y/n: Im gonna need more info than a girl in my year.

Namjoon: Fair she's in your class black hair

Y/n: Anything else? 

Namjoon: she sometimes wears glasses and ah Student council that's it the one on the student council.  

Y/n: Karina? 

Namjoon: YEAH! That's her name! She's been pissing me off can you sort her out?  

Y/n: Yeah sure but what am I doing? 

Namjoon: I don't care just get her off my back. I can hardly smoke that bitch just seems to always appear. 

Y/n: Yeah yeah ill deal with it. 

I might as well introduce myself further im Y/n a second year at this school aged 19. About that well hes Namjoon the second in command of the schools gang well its not just the schools gang hes just the leader of the schools division I guess you could call it. I was adopted at a young age by the current gangs leader... If you call getting sold to him as getting adopted I guess. My real parents didn't have much money and in somehow finding this out he came to them with a deal he himself didn't have a son but wanted one dearly. However after his first child he found out his wife would be unable to have another so I ended up being sold to him for around £100,000. My older sister? Oh she's called Kwon Eunbi honestly she's a lot smarter than me however in a fight I could easily take most people. Eunbi is known as a ruthless ruler in the school however when it comes to me she's turns soft and spoils me and becomes overprotective. 

As I walked down hallways of the school I soon found her as usual with her "advisers" who in reality are the bullies (can't believe I'm saying that despite being in a gang) and as usual are dealing with some of the lesser delinquents in the school.

Y/n: Yo Rina let them go. 

Karina: Oh Y/n are you here to turn yourself in? 

Y/n: We both know I've done nothing bad beautiful and im sure these first years can't have done anything too bad to deserve this.

Karina: In fact we caught them smoking and drinking so actually these losers have earned disciplinary action. 

Y/n: *Sigh* You know I tried to help you idiots I can't help you much more but! I can do one thing to help.

Karina: What could you-

I grabbed her glasses from her face as I backed away and all the other council members watched as I did so. 

Y/n: Darling~ if you want these back let the kids go. 


As the other members of the council came after me I turned and ran the other way laughing as I did so.


As I ran through the corridors and past students arriving ready for the first class of the day I jumped down stairs and cut through the auditorium to loose them it ended up working as by the end of it I was walking my way to my classroom when a tired hand softly gripped the back of my blazer.

Y/n: OH Winter you were still following me? 

Winter: Give me Karina's glasses. 

Y/n: Oh my winter do you really want me to give them back to you we can't spend as much time together that way. 

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