Chapter 2 (Fear Death)

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"Your Majesty, do you actually plan on adopting this commoner?" The advisor of the Emperor asked.

"Is that not what I just declared?" Emperor Noah snapped back. He glared at the counsel men who did not approve of his decision. "Are you opposing me?"

The people there couldn't hold eye contact with his majesty. They all lowered their gaze and pleaded, "Please reconsider your majesty!"

The advisor added, "If the nobles hear about this they're not going to stay still. Our relationship with the nobles is already horrible. This action is just going to fan the flames."

Emperor Noah sighed. "They are quite a headache. But my decision remains." He then turned his gaze back to me. "I want that girl as my daughter."

"Say, what is your name?" He asked.

"Demi, your majesty."

"Demi, you have already accepted to be my adoptive daughter. There is no leaving now."

"I understand," I said nervously.

"From today onward you will take on the last name of Nyke and be presented with the status of 'Imperial Princess'. " The Emperor's eyes darkened before continuing, "But make no mistake I will not hesitate to slit your throat just because you are a child.

"Never. And I mean never have even the slightest thought of betrayal." His eyes darken and he tapped his finger lightly.

"Imperial Advisor states the punishment for treachery on royals?"

"An act of treason is followed up with being beheaded and then displayed on the castle wall. It is added that the blade is dull."

'That means I wouldn't die right away but painfully... How cruel to be telling a child this. Merciless indeed.'

"You have no need to worry your majesty I will not betray you."

It took almost everything I had to keep my legs from giving up and stuttering.


The Emperor looked pleased and then snapped his fingers. A maid came in and bowed.

"This is your maid. She will take you to where you will be staying. If you need anything just ask her."

"Thank you; your majesty."

The counsel men eyed me. They obviously were not going to hide their displeasure in front of me.

'What am I going to do?'


It wasn't like I didn't fully believe I was going to live as a commoner forever. There were days I dreaded that the novel would somehow go on and I would end up as the Emperor's adoptive daughter. But now that there was no point in regretting my actions my priority should be to 'live'

Yes, I am scared of death. As in everyone else who should face it.

I touched my neck in remembrance of the horrible day. It was vivid the day I died.

Life wasn't really going well for me but I managed. I was fresh out of high school. Not even a week went by after my graduation. My stress of trying to figure out what to do in life blinded me. I forgot about my father's release from prison.

He had been in there for over ten years.

But I believe the first thing in his head once he got out must've been revenge.

Even after being reincarnated I sometimes get these panic attacks of what happened. The sound of metal clinking and loud noises sometimes trigger it. Everything around me suddenly goes quiet and then suddenly I struggle to take in breathes.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2023 ⏰

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