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Mel brought me home. They said that they're gonna bring my suitcase. I went inside and slammed the door. After a minute, the door opened slowly. My hands were buried in my face.

'We'll be cool, right?', Tracy asked.

I looked at her.

'Of course we are.', you could hear the cracks in my voice.

I stood up and hugged her immediately. She kissed my cheek. She opened the door. Before she left, she smiled and waved. I ran to my room, crying.

I started smoking to help me with stress. When I was done, I stopped crying and was barely shaking. I grabbed my phone and called Mason. I heard someones phone ring as soon as I called him. I looked outside to see him in my backyard.

'What are you doing here?', I whispered loudly.
'Like I said, I wanted to talk.'

He grabbed a table and chairs. He put the table to the wall and put a chair on it so he could climb inside.

When he was inside, I closed my door.

'What?', I said, angrily.
'Look, I'm sorry. I know I messed up. I shouldn't have said that. I know you hangout with Tracy all the time and if I'm snitching on her I'm snitching on you, too. I didn't realize that the moment I said it and I regretted it so much afterwards. So... will you please forgive me.'

It was silent for a minute. Then, I kissed him. It was a long one. I missed those lips. I missed him.

'Does that answer it?'

He laughed. He grabbed my waist and we kissed again.

'Hey, I have to go, my dad wants to talk.'
'Okay, bye!'
'Bye, love you.'

He smiled.

'Love you too.'

I smiled back. When he was gone, I closed my window and started squealing and giggling. That's the first time a guy has said that to me.


Me, Astrid and Medina were talking. I saw Tracy coming towards us. I wanted to hug her, but just then someone screamed our names. It was Evie. She was in a car with some guys in our year.

'Let's go, ladies! Woo!', she screamed.

Medina went in the front. Astrid climbed in the back next to Evie and she helped me. I looked at Tracy, she looked sad. I blew her a kiss.

'I'm sorry.', I mouthed.

She smiled and blew a kiss back.


Me and Trace were in the same PE class. We had to run around the school. When we were done, Tracy grabbed my hand and we walked somewhere to rest.

'Hey, I'm sorry about the other day. They kinda just grabbed me with them.'
'It's fine. I'm just mad Evie didn't come pick me up.'
'Yeah, I don't know what that was all about. Maybe she's mad Mel didn't adopt her.'

Just then a group of girls came up to us.

'You's nasty. I heard that you got used.', one of them said.

I backed up, but they only went to Tracy.

'What? By who?', she asked.
'By Conrad on the stairs at Nona's party.'
'That's not true!', I tried to defend Tracy.
'Keep yourself out of this, pretty girl.', the other one said.
'Believe whatever the fuck you want.'

Tracy grabbed my hand and tried to walk away.

'That's not what Evie said.', the girl who kept speaking pushed her.

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