"Stop talking!" he went to hit her, for what she assumed wasn't the first time when she saw the red mark on the younger girl's cheek; the pieces of the puzzle starting to fall into place about what happened to her when she was with her aunt and uncle. .

She grabbed the boys arm before he could touch the girl again, her gaze dark, "Leave her alone." Nat told him, her tone low and threatening.

"What are you going to do about it lady?" he snapped, pulling his arm out of her grip.

Natasha quickly regrabbed him and pinned his arm behind him causing him to release Penny who he was still holding against the wall. She forced him towards the register, motioning for Penny to follow them.

"Come one Penny sweetheart." she called.

Penny followed Nat to the register, still sniffling, tears running down her face while quick, rapid, shaking breaths rattled her small frame.

"May I help you Miss Rushman?"

"Yes actually, this boy was harassing my young friend here. I would like him to be removed from the store and I would like to press charges for assault." she replied, she wanted to show the teenage boy that she was holding onto that this type of behavior wasn't allowed anymore and that it never should have been allowed in the first place.

Penny's head quickly raised to look at Nat, "No!" she squeaked loudly, her eyes wide as she shook her head.

"What sweetheart?" Natasha asked, not completely sure she heard the girl correctly, her eyes linked in with the smaller teen's large brown ones that were still welling with tears.

"Don't...Don't press charges. Please....he's my cousin. M- My aunt and uncle will...will be mad at me." she replied in a small, shaking voice.

"Sweetheart, he hurt you." the redhead replied, trying to reason with the teenager.

She shook her head, "P-please.."

"Okay, but only this once." she replied, turning to face the store clerk, "I'd like this boy removed from the store and I don't want to see him here again. Mr. Stark will not be happy about how his daughter was treated." she replied.

"Yes ma'am." the store clerk replied to Natasha, rapidly nodding her head when she heard that the teenager in front of her was Tony Stark's daughter, before turning to look at Penny, "Young lady, I am sorry for his behavior. We will give you a twenty percent discount on everything you purchase today."

"O-okay." Penny replied, her voice still shaking as she sniffled, and quickly kept wiping tears from her eyes; she just wanted to get back to Peter.

Natasha and Penny took their bags back to Nat's car in the parking lot, Natasha making sure she had the majority of them while she guided the teenager back to her car in the parking lot. Penny got in the car and stayed quiet the entire time, she looked like she was trying to fold in on herself with her arms wrapped around herself, her breathing was still quick and shallow.

Nat looked over at Penny who was still shaking in the seat next to her, she was concerned for the girl, "Penny sweetheart.. Are you okay?" she asked, when she got no response, she reached out to touch her and she flinched back from her violently, hitting her arm on the door of the car as she tried to get away from the redhead. Nat looked at her shocked at her reaction to her touch, but her concerns were cemented at the action, she quickly retracted her hand, placing it back on the steering wheel, she looked over at the brunette next to her, "Sweetheart...I'd never hurt you...Okay?"

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