61 (Meltdown)

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Had a fucking Meltdown in class today, so far it was a good day I had English which I hate but after lunch is where the day starts to go bad, We have a Art project due and this is the last week to do it, I have made an art piece which I really like and didn't want to do another one but my Teacher told me I should try but the thing is I don't like taking my time I can do a couple jours but Working on the same thing fir day annoys me and I can't do it I get to stressed out and loose concentration. But I tried painting a new piece and absolutely hate it I felt so emotional that I felt a Meltdown coming so I went outside and walked around the college campus. After 10 minutes I walked to a bathroom and sat in the stall for an hour trying to calm myself down after an hour I did and went back to class but was completely Nonverbal I didn't say a word until after class was finished. But I am feeling much better after hanging out with my friends.

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