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Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes movies, The TV show, the books I love it all especially the movies new and Old.

The Show with Benedict Cumberbath in Is one of my Favourite shows to watch I recently got back into it as I love Sherlock Holmes so much I've watched all the movies even the old ones from the1940s and the RDJ ones, itz so interesting how sir Arthur Conan dole came up with such an amazing character and story!

I recently started watching the 1940 movies with Basil Rathbone and Nigel bruce in as well i love that there are so many of them and in black and white.

The RDJ and Jude Law movies are pretty cool to I love all the action and explosions in them I just love everything to do with Sherloxk Holmes.

And done, sorry I jsut needed to rant about my favourite thing at the moment but I'm done now thanks for listening.

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