Metro- chapter 7(BLOOD/GORE WARNING!)

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(Pic above is Cupcake. Didn't Draw her mask bc i forgot lol)

Bunny's person POV

'I cant believe I fell for his trick.' I followed the path led by Mocha. My feet ached and my body feels weird. My eyes are sore and I feel like I'm losing my mind. 'NO! I must stay strong, I... I cant be-' "AUGHH" I yelled as I collapsed on the floor. Mocha and Cupcake turned around to help me.

"OH, WHAT HAPPENED?!" Mocha exclaimed, Cupcake just stared, clearing she was thinking about something and I think I know what. "she knows'

"Hehe- Oh look, we're almost out of here. I-I just need to rest a little." I spoke softly, Mocha hesitated before backing away and nodding her head. "Don't worry Bunny, we're gonna get out of here!" Mocha told me, she was totally oblivious to my situation but I just thanked her and got comfortable on the floor. "Take this," I handed Cupcake my weapon. I know Cake has her polearm so she wont be needing it," Use it to protect yourselves for whatever my lurk down here." 'I won't be needing it' I said in my head. Cake grabbed it and handed it to Mocha. I closed my eyes and waited...

Cupcake's POV

"Use it to protect yourselves for what whatever may lurk down here" Bunny spoke in her usual soft voice. I acknowledged her and grabbed her weapon from her hands. Handing it to Mocha I fixed my mask on my face and readied my own weapon on my back. "Well see you soon Bunny," I paused and though to myself ' If your still Bunny by the time we get back,' "C'mon Mocha, We'll need to find a way to get this train open ourselves."

Mocha and I devised routes we would take to unlocked the boarded up train. She decided she would stick to the locks, and I decided on using the tools.

I walked through the metro when I picked up on a strong scent of rotten meat. In curiosity I followed the scent into a dark closet by the cargo area. I reached for the handle when I noticed there was a rusted lock on the closet. Using one of the ends of my polearm I swiped the lock in half. 'Wow that lock is really rusted... HUH?!'

An infected, zombie? or something emerged from the closet and pushed me against the wall with their weapon. It slammed one hand against my neck, stopping my oxygen from reaching my lungs. Struggling, I focused on my polearm in my right arm. I shimmied it through my hand enough to where I could use it to my advantage. Grabbing the blade, I dug it through the zombie's back. It removed its hand from my neck and jumped back arching it's back. I've seem to have injured the infected. Gathering my energy, I swung my polearm above my head I got into a offensive position. I jerked my weapon and with one end of the polearm and used the blade to stab to monster in its neck.

Dark red blood pooled out of its wound but it wasn't defeated yet. 'huh? That should've been a fatal hit!' I swung the polearm to the opposite side and used the other blade to slice through it's weapon weilding arm, attempting to cut through the bone. More blood pooled out of the wound. The monster, now in its knees, defenseless, I kicked it over. Observing what would be the next most fatal attack I could use I looked at it's head. It's white glowing eye easily showed signs of fear, anger, and pain. Taking this weak sign, I stabbed my polearm through its brain. It let out a shrieking sound and fell limp, it's eye closing.

Taking no risk a dealt a final attack, taking my polearm I snapped the magnetic middle apart and made two daggers. I put one in the wound it its neck and with the other I inserted it in its torso and dragged it through its stomach, its rotten organs exposed.

Finishing murdering the creature, I dragged the ragged body back into the closet and kicked it against the wall. Wiping the blood over my mask I grabbed the hammer sitting on the bench and slammed to door closed, leaving the monster to rot.




Cupcake's POV

After I met up with Mocha, we exchanged details on what we unlocked so far. I dare not tell her of the brutal punishment I laid down upon that monster. If she hadn't suspected by the blood I purposely smeared on my mask. I had the last wrench and Mocha had the white key. We headed towards the train.

Bunny was still in the same position at first but she looked distressed and her hair was messy. her cheeks were red as if she sere slapping the over and over again. She looked MAD.

I used the last items on the train and booted it up. "Bunny! The train is working now!," Mocha spoke quite loudly." Eyeing Bunny, she then spoke, "Bunns? You alright?" Breaking into tears she finally confessed what I wanted to hear.

"Mr. P. He gave me a potion an... I... I drank it," she looked away, "I had no idea it would turn me into..." Bunny started to cry. The looks of sadness on Mocha's face was heartbreaking. "You can still come with us! We can find him!" I noticed small tears falling form mochas face onto the floor, her ears pulled back, and her tail lashing. "No, you need to got without me, I could hurt you. Or worse..."

"Bunny, I-"

"Go now... let me turn into those monsters in peace. " Bunny sighed. She arose and pulled me and Mocha into a hug. "I won't forget you two."

I hugged her back then backed away. "Well... Goodbye Bunny" I bowed to her and hopped onto the train. Mocha followed.

"Goodbye, you two"

"Goodbye, Bunny"

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