The New Couple Of I.M.P

Start from the beginning

Loona: I'd love to go out on a little mini date.

Loona and I left my apartment and headed over to Starbucks, and just like every time I've been to Starbucks, it's got its normal long lines, good service, but looooooooooooooooooooong fuckin lines. Once we finally got our food, we found a nearby booth and simply talked to pass the time.

Loona: So you think the others will be happy about us being a couple?

Y/N: Millie's going to go apeshit, Moxxie might not care, and Blitz I'm not so sure about.

Loona: I'm sure Blitz would support it.

Y/N: You really think so?

Loona: Remember when you mentioned that list of people he said it would be okay for me to date?

Y/N: Oh yeah, I was at the top of that list, right?

Loona: Most likely.

Y/N: So, I just need to know: why did you develop feelings for me?

Loona: Why do you ask?

I'm just curious.

Loona: Uhh, jeez, this is hard. Do you mind if we go somewhere else for this? There are too many people here.

Y/N: We can go sit outside if you'd like.

Loona: I'd like that.

We walked over to a nearby bench and sat down.

Loona: "Um, hold on, give me a minute.

Y/N: You okay?

Loona: Yeah, I'm fine; it's just hard to put it into words.

She stood there for a second before she looked at me, seeming a little flustered.

Loona: Well, for starters, you're so fucking hot.

Y/N: Umm, wow, okay then.

Loona: Not to mention your really caring attitude towards me and the others. Which is something I really admire about you, and your cooking is so freaking amazing. It's hard not to love someone like you; you're the sweetest person in hell.

Y/N: Thank you, Loona. I needed to hear someone say that.

Loona: No problem, baby.

I checked my phone and noticed that work started in an hour.

Y/N: Work is in one hour from now.

She pouted and then locked up one of my arms with a tight hug.

Loona: Fuck work.

Y/N: Loona, you have all day to stay with me.

Loona: I know, but I just don't want to go to work.

Y/N: Come on, Loona.

Loona: Fine, but when we get home tonight, I pick what's for dinner.

Y/N: Wait, what do you mean, we? I thought you were going to go back to Blitz's place.

She blushed when she realised that's what she said.

Loona: I've been thinking about it for a while now.

Y/N: So you want to move in with me then?

She sat there for a moment before looking back up at me with sparkles in her eyes.

Loona: Do you think you could think about moving in with me and blitzing instead?

I froze when she said this.

Y/N: I don't know Loona; we just got together.

Loona: I know, but your place is so far away.

Y/N: What would Blitz think of this?

Loona: I don't think he'd mind. I'll ask him later.

Y/N: Should we talk about it?

Loona: Once we get to the office, we'll talk about it.

Y/N: I can't wait to see the look on Moxxie's face when he sees us together.

Loona: How long ago did he make this bet?

Y/N: Ever since Blitz called me into the office.

Loona: Was that when he called you in for that "quick mission"?

Y/N: Yeah, that day.

Loona: I can't believe Moxxie would do that.

Y/N: Well, keep in mind that this was before he found out about Mike being an asshole.

Loona: He still could have called off the bet.

Y/N: Well, Millie and Blitz are both unaware of it, so maybe that'll piss Millie off or something.

Loona: Most likely.

Y/N: So you're ready to head to work and tell the others about us being a couple now?

Loona: Yeah.

*Time skip*

Loona and I walked into the office, and the first thing Loona did was call everyone to the meeting room, not even giving Moxxie a chance to bitch at her. The oerhs walked into the meeting room and sat down around the table, while Loona stood in front of the whiteboard in front of the room.

Loona: Alright, Y/N, and I have some new stuff for you guys.

Millie: What is it?

Loona looked back at me, seeming a little nervous about what the others might say.

Blitzø: Go ahead, Loony.

Moxxie: Tell us.

Loona: Well, Y/N and I are a couple now.

The first thing I did was walk over to Moxxie and hold out my hand to him; he gave me a pissed-off look, reached into his wallet, and handed me fifty bucks. I looked around the room and saw Millie just giving me a smile and nodding, while Blitz looked at me with sparkles in his eyes.

Blitzø: Aww, Loony and Y/N are a couple.

Y/N: So you're cool with this.

Blitzø: Remember that list of people I'd let Loona date?

Y/N: Yeah.

Blitzø: Well, you're at the top of that list, remember?

It took me a second to realise what he was talking about.

Y/N: Oh yeah, that list.

Loona: I still can't believe you have a list of people you let me kill.

Blitzø: Of course I'd have a list, Loony.

Meanwhile, Millie walked up to me and Loona and seemed rather calm about us being a couple.

Millie: I'm happy for you guys, and I always had a feeling this would happen.

Loona: You did?

Millie: Well, yeah, you guys always seemed to be rather close.

Moxxie: I might have lost 50 dollars, but I'm happy for you two.

Blitz came around the corner with a couple of drinks in hand.

Blitzø: Here's to the new couple of I.M.P.

We then drank for most of the work day.

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