When She Needs You Most

Start from the beginning

I gave her an angry sigh, then walked her over to a nearby bench for her to sit down.

Y/N: How do I deal with a drunk Loona?

I looked at my phone for a second, only to realise it was dead.

Y/N: Just great.

I looked back and noticed that within that small time period, Loona wasn't on the bench anymore.

Y/N: Where the fuck did she go?

I looked around, then heard the sound of someone giggling. I looked up and noticed Loona had somehow gotten on top of the roof of a small café.

Loona: Can I have some vodka?

Y/N: How the fuck did you get up there?

Loona: I'm a kitty cat.

I was going to freak out any second.

Y/N: Get down from there.

Looan: No!

Y/N: Oh, for fuck sake, Loona. Get down from there.

Loona: Fine, ya big meanie.

I had then realised my mistake; she had climbed up there and was on her way down, meaning she was going to jump.

Loona: Catch me!

She then jumped off the roof.


I dahed over to Loona, trying to get into position to catch. I was line-lining it up, but she landed right on top of me.

Y/N: Agh fuck.

Loona: Thanks, stranger.

She stumbled off me, but thankfully I got ahold of her.

Y/N: I'm not taking my eyes off you for a single second.

Loona: Hhehehehehehehe.

Y/N: Come on, hop on.

Thankfully, she knew what I was trying to do and climbed on my back.

Loona: Yay horsey!

Y/N: Ugh.

I walked Loona back to her shared apartment with Blitz.

Y/N: Loona, do you have your keys with you?

Loona: Sure, Mr. Stanger.

She felt around her pockets and took out her keys.

Y/N: Good job; now give them to me.

Loona: But I don't want to.

Y/N: Give me the keys.

Loona:No, go away, you big bully.

At this point, I wasn't sure how much I could take.

Y/N: Come on, Loona, just give me the keys.

Loona:Well, okay, Mr. President.

She threw her key at me, hitting me right in the head with it.

Y/N: Ow.

Loona: Oops, my bad.

I unlocked the door and set Loona on the couch.

Y/N: Well, here we are.

I was about to walk away, but I noticed Loona got up and latched herself on to me.

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