They headed out and Steve led the way for a while, with Agnes and Jake walking side by side behind him and Kay at the rear, glaring behind her shades at the back of Steve's head. She was fucking furious with him, he had treated her so cruelly this morning, and acting like nothing had happened with her was just a little insulting. She wasn't sure what his game was or whether he had some sick game going on with Jake about who could get the furthest but she wasn't here for it. She started feeling glad that they only had two more nights if they were correct with their navigation and she would probably end up getting killed or he would, which made her angry that she was thinking like that and she ended up kicking a rock, panicking as it shot off and hit Jake in the back of the leg and he stopped walking, checking his leg to see what the fuck just bit or hit him.

"I'm sorry, Jake. That was me."

"What the hell was that?"

"I kicked a rock by accident, I'm sorry." She looked and saw she hadn't cut him, but it had definitely hurt him and Agnes gave her a look that was a whole bunch of 'what the fuck' as she rubbed his arm to make him feel better. "I said sorry."

"I'm alright." Jake nodded as they continued walking, Steve glanced behind for a moment before he carried on. "It just stings but it'll fade."

After a few hours of walking, Kay started getting frustrated because she had ended up in front of Jake and Agnes who were flirting and being all cute together and she really thought she was going to punch Steve in the back of the head so she overtook him, putting some distance between them. He had tried to talk to her, he'd asked her if he was going too slow for her and had laughed but he quickly stopped when he got a cold 'yup' as she barged past and he thought she was just in the zone, wanting to get to their destination as quick as possible.

They came to a river that had a cute little waterfall and Kay knew this was where they were going to take a break as it was pretty shaded and also a good place to cool, so she unclipped her pack and dumped it on the ground, stretching out before she grabbed a drink. As soon as Steve approached her she walked off, heading towards the waterfall and he just sat on the ground, trying to figure her out. She sat down on a rock, taking her boots and socks off so she could let the cool water trickle over her feet and he waited until Jake and Agnes were sat with him before he thought about going to go over to her, he had some unfinished business with her

"Does she seem a little," Steve trailed off and pointed his head in Kay's direction and Agnes laughed.


"That's one word to describe it." Steve sighed. "But yeah, does she seemed pissed?"

"Oh yeah," Agnes nodded. "Whatever you've done or said to her has ruffled the feathers of our little Hooters so if I were you, I'd approach that bomb with caution because take it from someone who's experienced it, she can go off."

"What the fuck did you do, Steve?" Jake laughed as he slung his arm over Agnes' shoulder, using the other one to have a drink from his water bottle.

"I didn't do anything!" Steve shrugged. "We had a nice time last night, went to bed and now she's having a pity party for one."

"Are you sure you didn't do anything to her?" Agnes tilted her head and waited for Steve to turn his attention to her from Kay, and the second he did, he knew she knew and he looked like a deer in headlights. "Go and talk to her, I'm sure she'll tell you exactly what you did wrong."

"Uh, I mean--"

"Don't give your excuses to me." Agnes laughed and gestured with her hand for him to take his ass over to her. "Go on."

"Am I missing something here?" Jake frowned, looking between Agnes and Steve. "What's happened?"

"Nothing." Steve let out a frustrated sigh and pulled himself off the ground, dusting his pants as he headed over to Kay.

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