02 | The Room of Requirement

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The Room of Requirement

TW: Mentions of verbal and physical abuse.

Monday 10nth September, 1975

Regulus closed his eyes and breathed in. He took a moment outside of the Great Hall, as he waited for Rose and Barty to hurry up. He loved Barty, he loved Rose, he loved them together - but he absolutely wanted to fold in on himself and disappear when they were both near.

It was relentless. They weren't clingy, if you didn't know that they were together then you could mistake them as close friends. But they would always be touching in one way or another.

So, he walked ahead, getting himself out of hearing range so he didn't have to listen to Rose's comments about Barty staying in bed, again, and making her late for breakfast. Regulus had been a shadow lingering on their relationship for nearly two years now. It was exhausting and getting on his last nerve.

"What're you doing just standing there, Reg?" Barty frowned, Rose's arm linked around his as they walked past.

Regulus stared flatly at the back of Barty's head. He didn't even comment on it, just sighed and dragged himself along. However he paused when he saw Elizabeth at the Slytherin table, it seemed her and Jake had mended their brother-sister bond during summer, Jonathan and Maria-Jane were even sitting with them too. It was almost a family breakfast, minus Cassilda who was glaring at Jake from the other end of the table with Lilith.

"I'll see you two in class," Regulus called, already turning to the Gryffindor table. He could see Sirius sitting next to James, who was smiling warmly in his direction as Sirius stared at Remus.

"Are you not joining us?" Rose frowned, stopping in her tracks and turning to face Regulus.

He shook his head. "No, I think I'll join my brother this morning."

"But you always sit with him!" Barty whined.

Regulus rolled his eyes. "You sound like a child, Crouch. Pull it together."

"But I miss you."

Regulus couldn't fight the small grin that Barty's whinging brought to him. He wasn't being serious, Regulus knew that, he could tell by the smirk on Barty's face.

"I think you'll manage half an hour without him, love," Rose smirked, placing a hand on Barty's chest as she peered up at him.

Barty's face scrunched up for a moment, then he pouted his lips and sighed. "Fine. But I expect to see you in Magical Creatures, Black."

Regulus nodded dutifully, bowing his head as he turned to his brother. "I wouldn't dream of missing it!"

"Regulus!" James beamed, standing up as Regulus approached from behind.

"James," he nodded.

"You're hovering, sit down," Sirius shuffled along the bench making room for Regulus in between himself and Marlene McKinnon.

Regulus rolled his eyes again, swinging a leg over the bench once Marlene and Billius had also shuffled along the bench.

"You're in a mood," Marlene squinted at him.

"I'm not in a mood," he quickly defended, voice flat and agitated.

"Yes, you are."

"No, I'm not."

"You're staring ahead as you answer," Remus grinned. "I'm guessing you're trying your best not to snap or hex someone right now?"

He rolled his eyes, again, as he reached for the plate of bread rolls in front of him.

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