When Two Worlds Collide

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With every stride Lily took, Hana realized that the world around her slowly faded. Connected as one, Hana and Lily were a force to be reckoned with. What Hana didn't realize was that there was a mysterious stranger watching her from afar.

Simon POV
Simon needed to escape. The reality slowly settling in that he was to have to be a Duke of a town at which he didn't want slowly ate him. The old bastard couldn't just leave me alone could he? Finally free and that monster just had to die didn't he?
Simon had been torn with what to make of this predicament. He was to take over his bastard of a fathers estate with a simple smile and a grin when all he wanted to do was escape the disapproving clutches of that fool.

All of Simons life he was to prove he wasn't a imbecile, with his stutter his father had disowned him. So much so he proclaimed he was dead. This words haunted Simon for years after his fatal encounter with his father. So why did he have to be the one to carry on the "family" name? He did not want to be associated with the man who had made his life a living hell.
From the horizon, Simon saw a white speck moving at unimaginable speeds. What is it?

Picking up his pace he began to see a women on a white steed. As he watched he saw a beauty in which he couldn't describe nor comprehend. As the white mystery began to close in on him, he saw that the young lady was of Asian decent. With high cheekbones and gorgeous tan skin, he realized that she hadn't even seen him. As he gazed at her, she looked distraught, as though the last of her youth was slipping away.

"And what is a young lady doing without a chaperone alone, in the country?"
Hana's POV

" That is none of your business. I'm nearly riding my horse and being stopped by handsome strangers for no reason, so if that is all you wish to say then good day sir."
"So you think I'm handsome?" The mysterious stranger gave a wolffish grin. Hana began to blush because of this strange man and realized that if she were to be found with him that she would be not only ruined, but her mother would most likely disown her!
"Well sir, you are a good looking fellow, I was just merely describing what I saw. Now please I must go for if I was found with you it would be not only ruining, but detrimental to my mother.I bid you good day!" With those words, Hana kicked Lily into a sprint.

"Wait! What is your name!" He followed closely.
"You may call me Han!"

With that single interaction, Hana disappeared into the forest. Leaving the man with a small sense of a lost chance. At what he would not find out.

And with that this chapter is done! Thank you for everyone who is here!( You're much loved!!!) and I hope your enjoying this story so far! Feel free to comment or shoot me a dm with feed back or anything you want to see in this story! This book might be a bit of a slow burn, as I'm writing it seems to be that way but who knows! So I hope you have a good day or night and byyeeee

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