Wherever The Road Takes Us

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There is two word to describe the newest arrival to London this season, young Miss Lee is passionate and somewhat peculiar, being seen chastised by her mother for her " unladylike" behavior, this author questions whether her actions are unladylike, or if her mother is just too boastful. That is yet to be seen.

Yours in Grace,

Lady Whistledown

(Italicized is Hana's thoughts)

"Oh honestly Lucy, must I have to wear a corset today? We are not going past the Levenson's farm and I'm simply just wanting to ride my horse around the grounds! There won't be any eligible suitor just lurking in the gardens!"
For about 10 minutes Lucy had be working on making sure that the young lady had the most cinched waist possible."Please Miss, just a little more, then you'll be able to go ride and still be dazzling!" "I could've been dazzling without the metal cutting off my air supply." Hana mumbled under her breath.
"There you go Miss, all done. I shall go to the Mistress and inform her that you are about to leave with James to saddle up." As Lucy left Hana could finally relax.

God help her but sometimes I wonder what made her this uppity. All I wanted was a simple ride in the Gardens. That's it! But it must always be about finding some handsome suitor even in the oddest of places!

With her every fading patience, Hana decided to simply go find James herself. James had been one of the only male friends Hana had had since she could remember. With her mothers constant talk of finding a husband, men just naturally didn't want to listen to her mothers rants.  However, since James was not of the same "status" as the Lee family, Hana could finally get to know the male species on a friend level. James was at the ripe age of 20 and was the type of good looking the village girls swooned over. Hana simply thought he was just a friendly face and admired his beauty on the inside.

James played by Young Russell Crowe

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James played by Young Russell Crowe

"Good evening Miss Lee, fine day to ride don't you think?"
" I would say so yes, but we must make haste, my mother could come gliding over here any minute now and I do want to ride poor Lily."

" Just come this way miss"

As James lead me to the stables I couldn't stop smiling from excitement. This was the first time I would be riding since we arrived in London.
" Miss come on, don't you want to see Lily anytime soon?"
" Oh hush, I was merely admiring the scenery, some of us have not been around these parts."
As Hana met with James he opened the doors to the stables.
" It's okay Lily, I have a friend I'd like you to meet." As he opened the doors once more, a gorgeous mare had followed. With her all white coloring, she was but a angel in the small stables. As he let go of the reins, she began to trot around the ring and looked as though she was the queen of the lands.

 As he let go of the reins, she began to trot around the ring and looked as though she was the queen of the lands

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"My god, she is the most gorgeous horse I've ever seen." Hana stared in awe as Lily slowly trotted towards her. James quickly grabbed her reins and slowly moved lily closer to Hana. As the horse approached a spark was felt in Hana's chest. This simple creature was truly one of a kind. Lily, almost seemingly feeling the connection, raised her snout and huffed at Hana. Raising her hand to the mare, Hana laughed.
"Miss, do you want to ride?"
" Yes that would be quite nice thank you."
As James saddled up Lily, Hana felt excited, for it had been many month since she had last ridden a horse.

With lily saddled Hana gracefully mounted and took the reins.
"Alright girl, let's go on a little adventure shall we?"

With those words Hana kicked her foot and they sailed off into the forest trees and forgot about the world.
"Miss just be careful! And please please be back before dawn!" James shouted, but Hana couldn't hear him over the laughter rumbling from her chest.
With every moment Hana felt freedom from all her worries. From her mothers constant nagging, to being in a completely different world from Japan. Everything was simply focused on this horse and the wind. Which was the reason as to why she didn't see the other rider in the distance slowly riding towards her at a fast pace. Who could this stranger be?

And with that this chapter is over! Who's this mysterious stranger????

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