-my friends-

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Me: they are the most Savage mother fuckers I have ever met
V: and your point
G: *maniacal laughter*
Q: ummmmmmm.....
Me: Look I love them a lot but I can I swear to God sometimes I'm like I'm the nicest one how the fuck am I the nicest one out of all of us? °^°
G: well Mom and mother both work retail and I just don't give a fuck
V & Q: *nods*

Me: you all have fucking audacity I swear with Violetta it's her insults she will randomly come up with shit that is fucking good it's roast it's just they're fantastic chefs kiss then there's Grimm with her just bluntness is the best way to put it is here is what she said in one of her moments "Stoo crying bitch, and grow the fuck up"  "Well that's disappointing. Was I suppose to fake it? Oh  boohoohoo." I was telling her about basically deleted a radio and you that I found about second had died and I asked her what she'd say to them that that was her response and then the whole roasting we do that for stories crystal hasn't really shown at all any audacity so she's fine the other two are fucking savages though.

Q: leave me out of this thank you very much
Me: why
V: bitch please you have audacity too
Me: bitch there is no need to be so damn loud hooker
V: ass
Me: anyway we could continue this later. That's all folks~🎶

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