-dreamswap funniness-

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(Sorry if it's a little ooc I'm going to try
I: yup of course-!*mouth is covered*)
(Note: not normal cast the dreamswap cast obviously)
Me: ok I'm a little obsessed
Marco: a little
Ink: are you sure you're not just being an overly obsessed fan girl?
Me: *sighs* you remind me so much of Marco you absolute smartass
M: at least he's got common sense and I like him.
Me: Of course you would ur just as much if not more of a smart-ass than him you two patate piccole! XD
M: Porca miseria! Please tell me you're not high again!
I: ummmm what the hell did you just call me? And is he high or something no seriously
M: to be honest I think she's high all the time or insane and honestly he just called us a little potato....
I: *looks at then at the floor* how is that an insult and what the fuck even I could come up with better insults than that to be honest I don't think she can come up with very creative insults if this is the best she got
Me: mind repeating that motherfucker?
I: well let's be honest here if that's the best you can got It's not very impressive
Me: I will shove my foot so far up your ass-! *has my mouth covered by wolfy*
I: haha you-!*also has mouth covered*
D&V: stop causing trouble you TWO!
Me&I: *after hand is removed from mouth* but he/she started it!!!
V: well we are ending it D: NOW!!
V: thanks for the help I swear to God I was going to kill these two idiots and normally it's Morocco m: hey!!!
V: what it is Dream: sounds similar to ink and error. 3. 2. and...
Blue: *falls on face* fuck that hurts why did you take that from underverse out of all the things you could have took it as a reference you had to take that?!
Me: yes honestly you kind of deserve you jackass.
B: what have I done to deserve that I haven't done a damn thing
Me: oh you know what you did
D: anyway why are you here?
B: what do I have to have a reason to be here do you really think so lowly of me?
Me&D: yes W: really B: awww that's hurts my *gets a look* fine I was kind of curious and well it seems kind of interesting maybe to get some entertainment where to get rid of some people if they end up fighting honestly you should have let them just continue their fight it would have been much more entertaining
I: of course you have nothing better to do do you or is being a bother some pest all you can really do?
B: no but the rest is for me to know and for you to find out
Me: can i punch him?
D: go ahead honestly but I don't see the point in it he would be a waste of time and effort plus he really hasn't done anything right now So no
Me: killjoy M: he's less of killjoys on you *says this though gritted teeth* me: wel at least I'm not a bitch like you and ink jack-! 💢💢💢
D: enough of that you two I don't want to hear any more bickering!💢💢
I: between a husband and wife plus you want to fight?!💢💢💢
D: *gives a look* i: *shuts up*
G: *pug screams* me: ...*pug screams back*
B,I&D: *looks extremely confused with the sides to just watch*
-le 3 hour time skip-
Me&G: *gos suddenly quiet*
B: well...that happened
Me: hmmmmmmm....
G: hmmmmmm......
Me: I think it's a tie G: yup
D: how dose even make sense?
V: Just Go With It Never interrupt them when they're doing that!!!
Ink: how bad can it be there *we turned to him and he ends up running like a little bitch* (me: you horror White motherfuker)
D: *facePalms* B: *is sitting back while eating popcorn and laughing*
V: yup this seems very similar to a different chapter if I'm not mistaken right M: yup and where exactly did you get that popcorn B: who cares?
Me: well blue would you like to do the honors
Blue: yup That's all folks~!

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