-to my best friend-

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Me: hope you like it wolfy sorry if this sounds really cheesy

I honestly don't know how to start but I'll start by saying this. thank you for always being there and for caring for cheering me up whenever I was sad or angry.  I.... how can I express my gratitude to you. Well I'll start by saying that you're the light there are times where I honestly wanted to give the fuck up but didn't because I thought how you would feel and how everyone else would feel. I can't imagine myself being in this world alone without you here... You'd always listen to me whenever I got pissed or sad or both even you would always tell me your honest opinion whether I wanted to hear it or not haha...... We're partners in crime honestly there were times where I wanted to do something really stupid and you stopped me so thank you. The stories that we made up together we're amazing in all honesty. I'm really happy I met you because I don't think I would ever be this happy in my life and I'll be honest I actually thought it would never get better but it did. Right now you're not in the best of places dealing with all the stress of day-to-day life Feeling like you're problems you feel like you blowing them out of proportion.  Honestly tell you you're not blowing them out of proportion you have to deal with people and fucked-up machinery and some of the people you work with are jackasses at times but still. You put up with so much you don't want to cry at all and you feel like you're bothering me but you're not you're allowed to feel things you're allowed to cry and you're not bothering me at all.  I literally sit at the house doing nothing all day which are trying to find something to do. but I literally doing nothing all day you're not bothering me when you talk to me I'm super excited and happy when I get to talk to you. I feel really happy when I hear you rent because I want to try and help you as much as I can. I don't give a fuck about what I'm doing that shit can wait my friends and family mean more to me than any stupid fucking game I have. I don't care you mean the world to me and I wouldn't trade you  for the world I hope you like this.

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