Chapter 24

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The members all gathered in the living room, with the exception of Bora. Kris sighed. "Where the hell is she?" Loud footseps were heard and they turned their attention to the staircase. The girl ran down and skidded to a stop before she hit the couch. "I'm here." She panted. The tall blonde rolled his eyes before passing papers out to everyone.On the upper right hand corner of the paper, a picture of a man in his fifties with peppered hair and deep wrinkles was pasted there. "Isn't he the prime minister, Kim Daejung?" Bora asked as she sat down on the edge of the couch and Suho gave her a smile. "It's good that you know who he is because he's our next target." Luhan let out a low whistle. "Damn, we're dealing with a big shot. When was the last time we went against someone this powerful?" The girl's eyes widened at his words. "Wait, you guys went up against someone as powerful as him before?"Sehun nodded. "Who was it? I remember one of them was mayor and the other was part of the National Assembly." She nearly choked on her saliva and stared in disbelief. "My god..." She whispered under her breath. Kai smirked and slung an arm around her shoulders. "It's not that much of a surprise given we're on the top 10 most wanted list."Bora shook her head and slapped a hand over her face. "Why did my stupid brother get involved with you guys in the first place?" Kris loudly cleared his throat, getting everyone's attention and he waved the paper in the air. "Enough chit-chat. Let's get back to the assignment. Like Bora said, we're dealing with the prime minister this time and it's not going to be an easy task. For starters, he's involved with a very powerful drug ring in Seoul. Plus, he has a whole shed of weapons in his home. We need to take extra caution this time."Xiumin flipped through the papers and smirked. "Haven't seen a case like this in a while. Embezzling, human trafficking, drug dealing and smuggling, and even illegal distrubution of weapons. This sure is going to be fun." Chen leaned back against the couch with a smile on his face. "Finally get to break out the big guns, eh?" Suho clapped his hands together and continued from where Kris left out. "As we were saying, we need to be careful. Kim Daejung is full of surprises. Who knows what he has up his sleeve.""Wait, we're going to his 57th birthday party? We don't even have invitations!" Chanyeol exclaimed as he read the paper and then yelped when a hand slapped the back of his head. "That's where I come in, dumbass. I'll have everything done by evening." Baekhyun smiled. Bora heaved a heavy sigh, causing 12 pairs of eyes to look at her. "Lemme guess: I have to lure the damn guy in again, huh?" "Unfortunately." Tao responded.She threw Kris a piercing glare and she scowled. "Fine." She grumbled and Lay patted her shoulder reassuringly. "Don't worry, you're not the only one who has to act as bait this time. I'll be helping, along with D.O." She threw them glances and weakly smiled. "So," Kris intervened, "we need to prepare ourselves. Baekhyun's going to hack into the systems and get our names in, Chanyeol and Chen need to get all of us some weapons, minus Kai and Bora, and the rest of us need to find some clothes to wear because the party is in two days at 6:30.""Two days?!" Bora shouted, making everyone jump in surprise. She grabbed a fistful of her own hair and groaned. "But I have a midterm the day after the assignment!" She buried her face in her hands and whined to herself. "Just do what I do: wing it." Kai nonchalantly said, earning a glare from the girl. Suho awkwardly put his hands up, trying to calm things down. "Now now Bora, I assure you that you'll be able to study and come along with us without any problems so don't worry."She frowned and got up from the couch. "I'm going to study." She stomped up the stairs and slammed her door shut. "What now?" Sehun asked. Kris rolled his eyes. "Let her be. We'll just go on with preparations without her. Oh and Baekhyun, I'm gonna need you to pick up a dress and some shoes for Bora as well." The said boy sighed. "It's hard being the fashionable one in this group." On the night of the assignment, the boys of The White Lily (minus Kai) were all dressed in sleek black suits and shiny pantofel shoes, their hair all slicked up. They double checked their ear pieces and mics as well as their appearances. Kai leaned against the banister, a deep scowl embedded in his face. "Have fun." He muttered and Luhan smiled. "Oh we will." Lay glanced at the clock and then back at the stairs. "Where's Bora?"At that moment, the sound of heels clicking against the stairs, making everyone turn their attention to the descending girl. She was clad in a black dress, the entire bodice covered with silver sequins. The hem line stopped two inches before her knees and the dress accentuated her fit body. Her hair was styled into a cute knotted hairstyle and her makeup was soft.Baekhyun smiled proudly and escorted the girl down the last few steps. "I present to you our beautiful lady." Bora's face flushed and she tugged at the hem. "Isn't it a bit too short?" He waved his hand in the air. "Nonsense, it's perfect! Besides, it's better to run in a short dress instead of having to hold up the skirt of a long dress."Kris cleared his throat and checked his wrist watch. "Luhan, hurry up and attach her mic. We need to get going." "Roger." The sniper saluted and got to work. He handed her an ear piece and she placed it in her ear while the boy fumbled with the small microphone. "Done!" He smiled and stepped back. Suho clapped his hands and smiled. "Since we're all done, let's go." The boys exited the house one by one, leaving Kai to man the house.Bora ruffled his hair and smiled. "We'll be back soon. There's some food in the fridge so just heat it up." He rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah yeah. Now will you get going? You're holding everyone up." She scowled and pinched his cheek before waving goodbye. When she opened the door, she immediately closed it at the gust of cold winter wind that slapped her in the face. Kai laughed and tossed her a jacket before saluting her. She gave an appreciative smile and slipped it on. She waved once more and left the house.Multiple sports car were lined up in front of the entrance and she smiled at the sight of the Ferrari that she drove to school. She headed over to the silver car and before she could open up the door, the window rolled down, revealing Kris. She cocked an eyebrow and he nodded his head at the passenger seat. She sighed before walking around the car and entering it. He tossed her a knife holder and turned to face the front. "Put it on your thigh. You might need it." He said as he started the engine.She looked at it with wide eyes. "Are you telling me to use the knife?" "Not unless you need to." He replied and he pulled out of the entrance with a whole line of cars following after him. She looked at the side view mirror and she was in awe. "I didn't know you guys owned that many cars." He shrugged. "It's not that much anyways." She frowned at his words and mumbled something along the lines of 'Says the one with money'. He stifled a chuckle and continued to drive.The White Lily soon pulled up to one of the most famed hotels in Seoul, Lotte Hotel. Guests entered the hotel, all dressed in formal wear. Kris got out of the car, tossed the keys to the valet, and helped Bora out. She gave him a look. "Never knew you could be such a gentleman." He scoffed and walked towards the entrance. The members followed and at the doors, two large mean dressed in suits stood there, clipboards in their hands. "Name." One of the men said.Baekhyun smiled. "We're all under the Shim family." The large man checked the list and nodded. "You can enter." The shorter man grinned and led the group into the hotel. His smile immediately disappeared and was replaced with a smirk. "Let the game begin." He stated to the other members, making everyone fight back a smug look.

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