Chapter 8

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At the hospital, Stingray regained consciousness and was attended to by the nurses, who mentioned that a detective had been waiting to talk to him.

"It's okay, Raymond. The man who did this can't hurt you anymore. Give me his name, and I promise you I'll put him away for a long, long time," the detective said after he entered Stingray's room.

"His name is Sensei Kreese. John Kreese." Stingray said.

Terry had said that Stingray could rejoin Cobra Kai if he pinned the beating on Kreese.

At the All-Valley Sports Arena, Carmen, Rosa, Johnny, and Sarah watched as a nurse examined Miguel.

"Good news. Looks like it's just a pulled muscle. It may ache, but you'll be fine." The nurse said.

Carmen put her hand on her heart and sighed in relief. "Oh, thank God."

"So, does that mean I can keep fighting?" Miguel asked the nurse.

"They've given you 30 minutes to recover, so let the pain guide you. If it's telling you to sit this one out, I'd listen. I'll get you an ice pack." The nurse said.

"Thank you." Miguel said.

"Mm-hm." The nurse left.

"Not bad. Just a little sore." Miguel said.

"Miggy, you don't have to continue." Carmen said.

"Don't worry, Mom. If something feels off, I won't fight." Miguel said.

"Make sure he's okay." Carmen told Johnny.

"Of course." Johnny said.

Rosa spoke to Miguel in Spanish. Her words translated to "You were so good out there, especially when you kicked that one kid in the face."

Miguel smiled. "Gracias, Yaya."

Rosa touched Miguel's face. "Ciao."

Carmen and Rosa left.

"All right, we've got a half-hour. Show your back who's boss." Johnny told Miguel.

Johnny walked away. Sarah followed him.

Robby managed to hit Demetri.

"Point, Keene. Score: 2-0. Go to your senseis." The referee told Robby and Demetri.

Robby walked over to Kreese and Terry.

Demetri walked over to Daniel.

Daniel sighed, rubbing his hands together. "All right."

Demetri panted. "I had a hard enough time beating him when he was on the good side of the Force. Now that he has gone all Sith, I feel like a helpless Jedi youngling about to get slaughtered."

"Well, you're taller. You have the high ground. That's how Obi-Wan beat Anakin." Eli said.

"All right, just remember your fundamentals. Breathe in, breathe out, breathe through. You've got this. Come on, Demetri." Daniel clapped.

Demetri and Daniel bowed to each other.

The referee walked up to Demetri. "Let's go."

Demetri stepped onto the mat.

Robby stepped onto the mat.

"On your marks." The referee told Robby and Demetri.

Robby got in a fighting position.

got in a fighting position.

"Ready. And fight!" The referee yelled.

Robby ran towards Demetri and tried to kick him. He blocked the kick with his arm. Robby tried to kick Demetri again, but he dodged the kick. Demetri tried to kick Robby, but Robby blocked the kick.

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